Page 7 of Vegas Showdown

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“I picked up an extra shift tonight, so I won’t be home til late,” Kat calls out to Wesleigh as she’s getting ready to walk out the door.

“Try not to be too rough on them at the leasing office,” Wesleigh teases. “The last thing we need is a target put on us.”

“Girl…” Kat closes the door behind her and walks down the rickety steps to her car.

The sun is shining brightly, and she lifts her hand above her eyes as soon as she rounds the corner at the front of the complex. Of the five parking spaces at the leasing office, only one is unoccupied. She quickly pulls her car into the spot, checks her reflection in the mirror, then climbs out. A gust of wind grabs her car door, and she grabs hold of it just in time before it hits the shiny black sports car parked beside her. Talk about out of place… If they can afford to drive something this nice, they definitely don’t have any business looking at these apartments.

Eager to get this over with, she walks up to the front door and walks inside.

“Can we help you,” the young woman sitting at the front desk asks.

“Is the property manager in this morning?” Though she can’t quite put her finger on it, there’s an awkward feeling looming in the room. Could be from the many voices she hears coming from one of the side rooms.

“You’re a tenant, right?” the woman asks then looks over her shoulder.

“I am,” Kat replies assuredly. “We’ve got a couple things going on that—” She pauses when a handsome gentleman emerges from one of the rooms.

Jameson York looks her way, then stops mid-sentence with the gentleman he’s currently talking to. “I’ll have someone come over—”

Kat quickly looks away but not before her cheeks begin to heat.

“Ma’am, is everything okay?”

Kat nods her head, unable to find her words. “I…I believe…I believe so.”

Chapter 5


“Excuse me for a moment,” Jameson says and walks to the young woman standing near the receptionist’s desk. She looks up when he’s a few steps away.


“I feel like we’ve met. Wait, you’re the—” Jameson extends his hand.

Though she was stunning the other night, she’s just as beautiful today in her tight-fitting jeans, tee, and white sneakers. Day or night—he’d recognize those gray eyes anywhere.

“Same girl from Friday night,” she finishes his sentence as she places her hand against his.

“Ahh, yes. Who knew we’d meet again so soon.”

“I had no idea you lived here,” she says and shifts her weight to her right side.

“I could say the same for you as well.” Jameson notices the way she’s standing, and he does his best to hide the crooked grin that’s suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

“I needed to report a couple problems my roommate and I are having. We’re in building eight. Which one do you live in?”

Jameson hesitates for a moment. He could lie and say he lives in building one or maybe building thirteen—the last few additions to the property aren’t quite as bad as the original ones—but who is he kidding? This place…he could never live in a place that looks like this. Admittedly, the inside of the few units he was able to see before buying the property weren’tthatbad, but they weren’t that great either.

“Problems? Something I might be able to help you with?” he asks, clearly avoiding her question.

“Do you have connections with the owner?” She tosses her head back and laughs.

“As a matter of fact, I do.”

“Oh,” she says and stands up straight, the smirk quickly disappearing from her face.
