Page 3 of Christmas with You

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“I don’t want to burden you or anything,” Caleb quickly added. “I just felt helpless not having anything I could use. Guess dad never thought about keeping a set of tools for us here.”

“Naomi should be there shortly. If there’s anything else you need, just let her know. She’ll be glad to help any way she can.”

“Wait,” he spoke up. “That’sNaomi? The last time I saw her, she was just a little—”

Gene cut him off. “I take it she’s been there already then?”

“Yes, she was here. I tried to talk to her, but she left in a hurry. Must’ve had something she was tending to at home.” Caleb thought back to the last time he could remember seeing Naomi. Had it been seven or eight years ago? Maybe even longer than that.

“There’s no telling knowing her. Let me give her phone number to you. That way, if you need anything, you can text her.”

“Oh, that won’t be necessary. I’m sure I’ll be just fine.” Though she’d acted a little standoffish, the last thing Caleb wanted was to be a burden on someone, including Naomi. Mr. Gardner was already being generous by agreeing to see about the pipes. He had to wonder if Naomi even remembered him the way she’d acted. Not that the two of them had ever been close or anything—she was closer in age to Drew rather than him—but she hadn’t even bothered to say hello.

“I’ll text it to you. You never know. Oh, and the meter is out near the driveway. At one time there was a wooden stake in the ground about a foot away from it.”

“Thanks, Gene. I’ll see if I can locate it.”

He managed to find the cut-off valve for the water supply, but not before nearly freezing to death. This weather was something else.

After a quick bite to eat, Caleb changed into some warm clothes and doubled his socks. He’d been looking forward to seeing the stream again and now was as good of a time as any to make the trek out back. Rather than wear his brother’s cap, he slipped on the toboggan he’d worn a few times when he’d gone hunting before and pulled it down over his ears.

The walk to the water took a little longer than he’d expected, but the moment he heard the water rushing over the rocks, he quickened his pace. The current was flowing so rapidly, he had to wonder if it had rained recently. The sound was so invigorating, and yet so soothing all at the same time. He watched as foam collected in the areas between the rocks, then he assessed a few of them with the weight of his boot before taking a step out into the water. When he found one sturdy enough to support him, he squatted down to enjoy the moment.

Despite its freezing temperature, the water was crystal clear as it swirled around him. Clenching the waterproof fabric of his glove between his teeth, he tugged at it until it slid off his hand. The cold burned his skin almost immediately, but he couldn’t resist trailing his fingers along the water’s surface.

Something moved in the wooded area behind him, and he startled, causing him to lose his balance. Caleb’s foot slid against the rock’s slippery surface, and he extended his arms out in front of him to try and maintain his balance. As he attempted to stand, though, his body unsteady and still a bit shaky, his knee gave way and he fell right on his bottom. If he thought the water was cold as he’d ran his fingers through it a few moments ago, then it was downright frigid now.

Caleb didn’t have time to worry about his knee nor the rip in his jeans he just noticed. He needed to get back to the house and dry off before his body temperature fell any further. While he was prepared for the cold, he hadn’t anticipated beingthiscold. Not to mention, wet! So much for his bright idea of spending time at the stream.

He managed to make it to the house with little to no trouble with his knee. And while he really wanted to laugh at himself for being so clumsy, the only thing he could think of was getting back to where it was warm and into something dry.

Chapter Four

“Crap,” he cried out as soon as he realized he’d used all his towels earlier on the kitchen floor. “Now what am I supposed to dry off with?”

Grabbing the sheet off the bed, Caleb wrapped it around him. He really would’ve enjoyed a hot shower, but with the water turned off, that wasn’t possible. Shivering like crazy, he changed into his sweats and a long sleeve shirt.

He’d couldn’t recall ever having to go without water, and the more he thought about it, the more miserable he became. And since his parents had never bothered to install a washer and dryer in the cabin, that posed a whole new set of problems where his wet clothes were concerned.

He hadn’t wanted to go into town so soon, but he figured what the heck. Might as well make the most of his time, pick up the few things he needed from the store, and grab a bite to eat while he was out.

The grocery store was packed with last minute shoppers picking up things they needed for their holiday meals and get togethers. Caleb quickly grabbed what he needed then headed to the check out. He didn’t dislike the holidays but the thought of spending time with family and friends made him sad. He had to wonder if he’d ever be able to fully put Drew’s death behind him so he could enjoy this festive time of the year the way it should be.

He was about to climb into his car when he noticed an SUV parked a few spots down from him with the hood propped open. A young woman was leaned up against the driver’s door with her phone clenched in her hands. As cold as it was, she was typing as fast as she could, a look of despair evident on her face. Despite being hungry and ready to get back to the cabin, he knew the right thing to do was find out if there was anything he could do to help.

“Ma’am, is there something I can help you with?” Caleb called out, not wanting to startle the young woman since she was so pre-occupied with her phone.

When she didn’t look up, he thought she hadn’t heard him. So, he asked her again. “Ma’am, are you having car trouble?”

Caleb’s experience with car repairs was like home repairs—he simply didn’t have a clue about either and chose to leave those jobs to the professionals. Hence, the reason he’d called his father about the water leak. Still, he couldn’t help but be concerned for this woman, especially since it was almost dusk, and she appeared to be all alone.

A horn blew somewhere across the parking lot, and she finally looked up. “Ohhh,” she said and brought her hand to her chest the moment she saw him.

“I didn’t mean to scare you. Can I help you with something?” Caleb waved his hand at the hood of the car, but she merely shook her head.

“No, no help,” she murmured in a peculiar kind of way and quickly tucked the phone into the pocket of her coat. “No.”

“Wait,” he said and looked at her closer. “You’re Naomi. You’re Gene’s daughter. You brought the tools to my cabin earlier.”
