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“Very well, indeed,” Peter agreed, satisfaction fairly oozing from him.

The words were so reminiscent of those that Lady Tesh had spoken to Daniel’s mother when they’d first arrived on Synne that he was momentarily struck mute. An idea formed, mad and unbelievable: Was it possible the two older women had meant for this very thing to happen? Could they have been working toward pairing him with Margery from the very beginning?

Before he could think how to react to such an idea, or to even comprehend such a thing, Margery’s voice suddenly rang through the air. “I thought I saw you two great lumbering beasts steal my husband away,” she said with mock sternness. “And just what do you think you’re about?”

Daniel’s heart leapt at the sound of her voice. He looked over the dukes’ shoulders and spied her approaching them, the delicate folds of her pale-yellow gown dancing with each sway of her hips, the curling tendrils of her hair bouncing about her shoulders. She gazed with wry affection on the two massive dukes before looking to him. And the transformation in her was total, her gaze softening, her love for him clear in the gentle brown of her eyes.

“Margery.” He caught his breath, quite unable to help it after her name escaped his lips like a benediction.

“Oh, he has it bad,” Peter murmured as Margery brushed them aside as if they were mere insects and made her way to Daniel’s side, intertwining her fingers with his.

“Bad, indeed,” Quincy agreed. Suddenly his tone turned sly and he grinned that wicked grin of his, a harbinger of mischief. “Almost as bad as you had it for Lenora,” he quipped.

“I’ll have you know,” Peter said in loud, officious tones, staring his friend down, “that I still have it bad for Lenora. Just as you have it bad for Clara, you arse.”

“I do,” Quincy agreed readily, almost proudly. “And speaking of my wife, when last I checked, our little Frederick was happily sleeping in the nursery. I’ve a notion to seek my wife out and let her know just howbadlyI have it for her.”

“That’s my cousin you’re talking about,” Peter growled as together they turned and meandered away.

“Who I have madeveryhappy,” Quincy drawled.

“Arse,” Peter said again, though with little heat.

“It takes one…” Quincy shot back, his voice fading as they walked out of view.

Daniel and Margery stared after them for a bit, before, glancing at each other, they burst into laughter.

“I would ask you if they’re always like that,” he said as he pulled her into his arms. “But I’ve seen plenty of proof that they are.”

Margery, laughing, twined her arms about Daniel’s neck. Her eyes dropped to his mouth. Before Daniel could oblige her in a kiss, however—something he was more than willing to do—another voice sounded. This time, however, it wasn’t necessarily a welcome one. At least, not in the present situation, when all he wanted to do was to lose himself in his wife’s welcoming arms.

“Katrina, rein in that beast of yours before I do.”

Lady Tesh’s voice rampaged through Daniel’s blissful moment of peace with his bride like the proverbial bull elephant. And then it was as if a real bull elephant came tearing around the corner of the hedge. Mouse galloped into view, then just as quickly stumbled to a stunned halt when he spied them. No doubt he’d expected this portion of the garden to be empty. But his surprise was short-lived. Instead a kind of delight took over his canine features as he spied one of his favorite distractions in the form of Daniel and his…nether regions. The beast grinned, an almost humanlike expression, his tongue rolling out like a great pink carpet. And then, with one massive bark of joy, he bounded toward them with flailing legs and flopping ears. A black-and-white devil bearing down on them, intent on wreaking havoc.

Miss Denby, having just rounded the hedge, looked positively horrified. But in that split second, with Margery still cradled in his arms and utter chaos in the form of a very large dog racing full-tilt toward them, Daniel knew with grim certainty that the young lady would not reach them in time to keep disaster from striking—namely in Margery and him taking a very thorough dunking in the fountain just behind them.

Calling upon all of his training, he looked the beast square in the eye and said in a booming voice that brooked no argument, “Mouse, sit.”

The dog stopped, mere inches from them, his bottom hitting the path with a thud that reverberated through Daniel’s shoes. His tail wagged furiously, swiping with deadly precision every leaf and twig in its path. He gazed in adoration at Daniel.

“Goodness,” Miss Denby said, reaching her pet and securing both hands around its collar. “I am so very sorry. He was being such a dear thing, and looked so forlorn when I checked in on him earlier. I thought for certain he wouldn’t cause any mischief. I didn’t think it would hurt, to let him out for a bit of the festivities. He’s usually such a dear, docile thing.”

How Daniel didn’t laugh outright he didn’t know. Margery seemed to be of the same mind. She gazed up at Daniel, mirth dancing in her eyes even as she bit her lip to keep her laughter from spilling over.

Blessedly they were saved from possibly hurting Miss Denby’s feelings as Lady Tesh and his mother rounded the corner, Freya prancing regally in front of them.

“Katrina,” Margery’s grandmother scolded, her tone acidic, “I told you to keep that beast of yours shut up inside. Why I allowed you to bring it to Danesford at all is beyond me.”

As the young woman, spouting effusive apologies, dragged her dog away, Daniel’s mother turned to the viscountess. “Oh, Olivia,” she said, even as she grinned. “Don’t be too hard on the girl. She means well.”

“If bymeans well, you’re referring to her determination to send me off to Bedlam, I absolutely agree,” Lady Tesh grumbled.

“Oh, I’m sure you won’t have to worry about that for long,” Margery murmured, grinning at her grandmother. “You no doubt have another matchmaking scheme brewing. And, going by your level of success, she’ll no doubt be happily paired within the year.”

“You think it will take me a year?” Lady Tesh asked archly. “I think I’ve proven I can work much quicker than that, especially when I have the assistance of someone like my dear Helen here.”

Daniel gaped at them. “So youdidintend this trip as a way to match Margery and me?”

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