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Suddenly Lenora stilled. “That doesn’t mean,” she said slowly, “that you need to remain alone all your life, you know.”

Margery frowned, turning her head to look at her friend. “I assure you, I don’t plan on getting myself a parrot like Miss Athwart. I’ve already been informed that such creatures are not for hobbyists.”

“Silly thing. I certainly don’t mean a parrot, or a dog, or even a gaggle of chickens like Miss Emmeline. I just mean,” she continued with an intent look in her eyes, “that you might find companionship.Physicalcompanionship.”

Margery gaped at her. “Are you suggesting I take a lover?”

Lenora shrugged. “And why not? You are a widow, after all. And there is no crime in a woman finding pleasure, is there?”

“But…a lover?…Lenora…”

Her friend laughed. “You act as if I’ve told you to go out this very night and find someone to take to your bed. But I’m much too selfish for that; now that I have you here for an evening, I’m not about to let you get away so easily.”

She rose, holding out a hand for Margery, who took it, allowing herself to be hauled to her feet. But as they left the nursery arm in arm, she learned that Lenora wasn’t quite through with her mad plan.

“You can find a lover tomorrow,” she quipped with a wink.


If Daniel could have stayed holed up at Seacliff all the next day he would have, and gladly.

But when one was so pointedly reminded of one’s promise to join the rest of the household on a long-awaited excursion by a certain dowager viscountess, there really was no getting out of it, save for something life-threatening. Which, unfortunately, major embarrassment did not fall under.

And so, doing his best to act like everything was normal—though in reality it was the furthest thing from it—he hauled himself into Lady Tesh’s carriage, seated as usual beside Margery, and tried his best to ignore her thigh so very close to his own. The trip was long, quite possibly the longest of his life, figuratively speaking. He held himself as still as possible, the better to keep from touching her. But every bump and turn had him in danger of leaning into her. By the time they reached their destination, his thigh was not the only thing aching; every muscle in his body screamed at his attempt to hold himself as far away from Margery as was possible. Finally, however, it was time to alight, and the women descended from the carriage. Stretching his stiff neck from side to side, he heaved a sigh and lurched from the conveyance, looking up at the building before them.

Swallowhill, belonging to the Duke and Duchess of Reigate, was a compact, square house, seemingly plucked from a fairy tale. With its pale gray stone exterior, mullioned windows that sparkled in the sun, bright white-painted sills, and delicate roses climbing up its face, it was simple, and yet exceedingly lovely.

Just then Reigate himself flung the front door open and bounded down the steps.

“Hallo,” he greeted them cheerfully, grinning as he approached. “Clara will be tickled pink you’re here. As am I, for even my sparkling wit and Phoebe’s loving attentions haven’t been enough to distract my wife these past days.”

Daniel frowned. There seemed something decidedly off about Reigate. He appeared happy enough, as no doubt he should be, with his wife due to birth their first child soon. But the man appeared almost brittle, the tight lines that radiated from the corners of his mouth and his faintly mussed, harried air speaking of a hidden strain.

As Lord Oswin appeared and greeted the other women, Margery sidled up to Reigate, her face tight with worry. “And how are you holding up, my friend?”

Daniel didn’t hear the man’s answer, for his mother approached then and tucked her hand in the crook of his arm.

“Darling, you remember Lord Oswin, of course.”

Ah, yes. It was time for the social niceties he was trying his damnedest to master—truly, he regretted more than ever dodging his lessons on manners and comportment as a child, as well as the countless times he’d huddled in corners during social engagements. Dredging up a smile, he moved forward and held out his hand. “Certainly. My lord, I hope you’re well?”

Which must have been the correct thing to say, for the man grinned and shook his hand heartily. “I am. Phoebe and I have not been back to Synne since our marriage, and I had forgotten how invigorating the sea air could be. And you, Your Grace? Are you enjoying your stay?”

Thus began a polite back-and-forth that, though simple and easy enough, nevertheless had Daniel feeling drained by the time the other man turned away. But he had done it, hadn’t he? He had made it through an innocuous conversation unaided. Feeling strangely exuberant at this small victory, he turned to look for Margery—only to find she had disappeared along with Reigate into the house.

The disappointment and loss that coursed through him was disturbing in its intensity. It was not as if he needed her approval, he told himself fiercely. He was not doing it for her. Rather, he was utilizing the skills she had shown him to manage himself alone.

Alone. Suddenly that word, which had given him such comfort in past years, didn’t seem so comforting any longer.

“Let’s head inside, shall we?” Lady Tesh said then. “I grow overwarm.” She glared up at the bright sun as if it had offended her in some way. Which, even with what little he knew of the woman, Daniel had no doubt it somehow had.

Miss Denby was there in an instant. She set Freya down on the ground, opening the parasol she had brought along for just such a purpose, nearly clipping Lady Tesh’s nose in the process. Lady Tesh watched her, her expression stony, as the mauve and lace concoction was held aloft above her snow-white head.

“Thank you, Katrina,” she muttered before turning back to Lord Oswin. “Well, then?”

He grinned and offered his arm to the dowager. “Of course, my lady.”

They made their way into the house. In her awkward, bouncing way, Miss Denby followed Lady Tesh and Lord Oswin, trying to manage the parasol even as she called brightly to Freya, who was studiously sniffing a flower, as if taking stock of its merit. Daniel and his mother followed, keeping well clear of Miss Denby as, within seconds, she went to work wrestling the parasol closed in order to enter the house.

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