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“That seemed to work well last time.”

Jerica grinned. “We can always try something different if you want.”

“Maybe next time.”

“Oh, is there going to be a next time?”

“I hope so,” Bridget answered, excitement building in her chest.

Jerica kissed her loudly, then deepened the embrace as she slid her fingers between Bridget’s legs and rubbed the lube into her. “I’ll make you come any way you want me to.”

Bridget groaned lightly, already feeling the heat from whatever warming lube Jerica must have chosen. It was like electricity between her legs. She wriggled, and Jerica smiled in response.

“Seems like you’re ready for something a little more intense?”

“Yes,” Bridget hissed out.

Jerica moved into the position Bridget had been in, using her mouth and fingers in tandem to bring Bridget higher. It felt so good, but Bridget knew she was a ways off from orgasming. She closed her eyes, focusing everything on the sensations Jerica caused, on the slight tingles, on the swipe of her tongue, the press of her fingers, the suck of her mouth. Everything in her being became about what Jerica was doing to her.

Jerica didn’t give up, though, like a few of Bridget’s lovers had. And instead of making Jerica give up like she’d done before with other partners, Bridget re-doubled her focus. She wanted to come. She wanted to get off. She wanted this to be easy. As if she’d commanded it, tingles flew from everywhere in her body, shooting through her nerves and straight between her legs right to where Jerica was working her.

She would say something, but she couldn’t form words. Gripping the sheets, Bridget lifted her hips as she cascaded through her orgasm, breathing out heavily as she crashed down from it. Jerica slowed her teasing, licking her fully before resting her chin on Bridget’s hip bone.


“Hell yeah,” Bridget answered on a breath. “You can do that any day you want.”

Smiling, Jerica moved up. “Are we going to eat dinner?”

“In a minute…when I can feel my legs again and stand up without falling over.”

“Well, I know how to help you walk,” Jerica answered with a taunt.

“Shut up,” Bridget wrinkled her nose. “Yes, we will eat dinner. I spent all that time ordering it, you know.”

Laughing, Jerica rolled to the edge of the bed and stood up. She grabbed some pajamas and started dressing.

“We can do more of this later. First, food to keep us going all night.”

“Oh God,” Bridget murmured. She was going to need coffee if they were going to do this all night.


Bridget had beenout of work for eight weeks before she was finally allowed back into the office. That morning, she’d gotten up early with Jerica as she got ready for work herself. They were quiet, Jerica not really commenting or asking about work and Bridget letting her do her thing while she sipped coffee and watched.

They’d talked the issue to death, but it was such a freak accident that Bridget could barely fault her line of work as the problem, though she knew her job was dangerous. She was the Sheriff in a tiny town of fifteen-hundred people. It wasn’t like she was a street cop in Memphis or something. Her life was not in danger daily.

Jerica slipped into the chair next to her at the table and gave a small smile. “Are you nervous?”

Bridget shook her head. “I’m not, actually. I know this is the right decision.”

“Good.” Jerica reached out and covered Bridget’s hand with her own. “I think it is, too, not that my opinion means much.”

“It means just about everything to me.” Bridget curled their fingers together as she sipped her coffee with her other hand. “And I’m glad I have your support. I’ll need it when I run for reelection.”

“Think you’ll win?”

“I honestly don’t know, but if I don’t, I guess I know where I’ll be moving.” Bridget laughed lightly, having already joked about moving to Jerica’s and taking job in law enforcement there or down at the jail. It wouldn’t be Bridget’s preference, but it would still be a job in the line of work she was called to do. “When will you be back tonight?”
