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Grinning, Violet moved in to kiss her. “I love you.”

“Good, because I love you, teach. And I trust you.” Lando brought their mouths together, her stomach rumbling loudly again.

“And you’re hungry.” Violet shook her head. “Come on, let’s go eat and we can figure out details over dinner.”

“Is this what you in the business call a working dinner?”

Violet chuckled softly. “Yes, and get used to it, because when we’re out in the field, every meal will be a working meal.”

Violet crawled out of the bed and grabbed her shirt and pajama bottoms to semi get dressed before heading down the stairs. Lando followed suit, except all she wore was her sports bra and a pair of basketball shorts. Violet inwardly groaned because she knew how much of a distraction that was going to be.

“You’ll have to teach me your ways, oh wise one.”

“Oh good Lord,” Violet muttered. “Is this what working with you every day is going to be like?”

“Well, if I don’t have to play peacemaker, it means there’s far more room for jokes.”

They headed down the stairs, but just before Violet grabbed the plates she had set on the counter nearly an hour before, Lando came up behind her and wrapped arms around her waist. Violet turned in the awkward embrace and kissed Lando.

“I love you,” Lando stated.

“I love you, too.”

“I would love to chase with you again. As stressful as those two weeks were, they were probably the best two weeks of my life.”

“Why?” Violet would never have guessed that one.

Lando grinned. “Because I got to know you.”

Violet’s chest warmed with the sentiment. As much as Lando had been through in her life, she always seemed to find the silver lining.

“It was quite a storm.”

“But not the best storm.”

“Never.” Violet kissed her again then moved to plate their dinner, shoving each plate into the microwave to reheat it before setting it on the table. Since she’d met Lando again, she’d known there was something different about her. But Violet never would have guessed that this would be where they ended up.
