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Jane quickly realized she didn't care about her own safety or well-being, let alone her relationship with Darach or whatever it was between them. Thousands of lives could be lost, and it would all be her fault. It would be the most intense pang of guilt she'd ever felt, and it would be the end of her.


He turned around. “Yes, my lady?”

“The hearing, what time does it hold?”

“In an hour, my lady. It would be great tae see ye there.”

* * *

Jane was in awe as she entered the great hall for the hearing. The warriors were larger, more muscled, and fierce-looking than any othersshe'd ever seen. Everyone else stood behind the line of warriors on the pathway to the dais, and Jane had to walk through a cleared path in the middle of the hall to the podium raised in front of the hallway. The hall was packed with people who were all waiting to see what the laird's decision would be.

Darach was standing on the dais with Morven and Lorna, next to Kenn and some other commanders. She felt scrutinizing looks from the people as she. She slowly made her way up the aisle toward the dais, and her gaze instantly found Darach's.

An instant flash of emotion arced like a bolt of lightning between them.

Jane felt it was obvious to the whole hall and nervously approached him. He gestured for her to take the position on his right, and she gracefully sank into the seat a second before he held his hands up to silence the assembled crowd.

Kenn stood up and went to the front facing the crowd. “Today, we are gathered tae rise against the tyranny of William of Orange. We are here, each one of us strong in mind and body, each one of us united in our bid tae bring him down and free the whole of Scotland!”

The crowd erupted in applause. Jane turned sharply to look at the people, but they were all excited rather than suspicious of the man who addressed them.

This is wrong. It was all wrong. Jane curled her fingers into fists and glanced over at Darach, who stared at her and only smiled.

“We are a united front that will bring the justice that our lands deserve, and the Jacobite force will ride forth tae bring fairness.” Kenn punched the air lavishly before he walked confidently toward the back of the dais and bowed low before Darach.

Jane’s eyes narrowed in outrage that this traitor had been able to carry out this deception easily. She gasped as she watched Morven hand over the scroll of the plans to Darach, who unrolled and read the expedition arrangements and names of the officers to the crowd before setting it aside.

“The sacrifices of men like McTavish have made even the thought of victory possible tae us.” The laird turned to nod at his advisor. “I will nae forget.”

Jane's fists clenched in rage, her nails piercing her skin. Her head pounded in anger at the way Kenn was revered for the lie he'd lived for years. Jane stood up and opened her mouth to argue, not realizing what she was doing, but Darach caught her gaze and smiled. She bit her lip and turned away, but not before she noticed the love and affection in hiseyes. She sat down again, this time silently.

She stayed quiet for the rest of the procession as they announced that the scouts would be sent off the next morning, and the main company would ride after them a few days later.

After the crowd dispersed slowly, all people excited about the days to come and the victory they’d never bring home to the keep, Jane headed towards her chamber tortured by her thoughts. She locked her door behind her with the rusty old key Lorna had finally given her and paced the room until her feet felt on fire. The prophecy had promised that Darach would bring her demise. She was not sure in what capacity, but she knew that she would surely lead him tohisdemise if she said nothing. And she couldn’t let that happened.

The image of Kenn killing Darach burned her mind. She knew she had to tell him. This was the most challenging decision of her life, but she had to do it. Her love for Darach was greater than anything.

Before thinking twice, she scribbled a note quickly, opened the door, and handed it over to the first guard she saw with the instructions to deliver it to the laird with urgency. All she could do now was wait in silence with her heart pounding in her chest in anticipation.

When the knock sounded at her door about an hour later, she already knew who was at the other end, and cold sweat covered her body.

“Jane, I apologize dearly. I have nae had the chance tae see ye the last days.”

A pang went through her, and she felt fear grip her heart. “Neither have I, Darach.”

His eyes roved her face carefully. “Ye look worried. Surely there is nae problem?”

Before she could reply, he continued, still thinking his absence was worrying her. “I apologize for my absence the last few days. And I thank ye for taking such good care of me that I could now lead my army once again. There are so many things I want tae discuss with you—things tae discuss aboutus—and I had yet to find the right moment. I missed ye, Jane.”

“I understand, my laird,” Jane gasped as she watched the emotions in Darach’s eyes. This huge beast of a man had affection for her; she could see it. It made her heart flutter, for it was the same deep feeling she held for him. It was excruciatingly painful because this would shatter them into pieces.

Darach started forward to kiss her, but she gripped his arm and held him back, aware she could not bear it. She wanted to save his life.

“Darach, please,” she pleaded and pushed him away but did not release his hand. “I have something tae tell ye.”

“Ye have my attention, Jane,” he settled on the edge of the bed with a grin painting his face.

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