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She scoffed. “Clearly nae appealing enough, as I dinnae see ye once, nae even at the evening meal.”

He folded his hands across his chest, his gaze never leaving her. A faint smile hovered on his lips, which indicated whatever it was he’d say would infuriate her.

“Have I neglected my guest?” he drawled. “And here I thought I was attending tae important matters, like arranging tae get her home as quickly as possible.”

Her fingers curled into her fists as she clenched the bedcovers. “‘Tis a problem ye created for yerself when ye abducted me. At least now it wouldnae take ye long tae be rid of me. Ye can find another appealing face tae scowl at ye.”

“I doubt I’d find any as appealing as yers.” He grinned as he moved closer to the bed, almost to the edge. He towered over her, making her feel small and vulnerable. His expression made her nervous. There was promise there, but of what she was unsure. She licked her lips and backed away, clutching the furs she needed to cover herself.

“When am I leaving yer lands?” she asked breathlessly. “It surely cannae be soon enough.”

He raised his brow once more and leaned in closer. Jane found it increasingly difficult to draw air into her lungs due to his proximity. Her chest was tight, and an odd squeezing sensation gripped her until she became dizzy.

“I dinnae ken that yet.”

“Why?” It was hard to push the word out of her throat.

“Maybe I dinnae want ye tae leave. I might like yer scowl a lot more than I thought.”

His eyes gleamed as he reached her. His fingers stroked over her hair, and he picked up a lock with his forefinger and thumb; rubbing it gently.

“I might want tae discover other things I like about ye.”

The man sounded selfish and arrogant. He smiled at her, setting her heart to race even further.

“I wouldnae let ye,” she muttered crossly.

“I dinnae think ye’ll be complaining, lass. I think ye’ll welcome it.”

He was close now—tooclose. Her legs trembled. Her hands quivered. Butterflies flitted around her stomach and up into her throat. He knelt down and slid one knee onto the bed, getting so close to her that she could feel the heat of his breath. Instead of pressing his lips to hers, he angled his head and picked up the book behind her.

“Ye told me ye are done with this one, so I brought ye another.”

He reached into his coa, pulled out a book and handed it out to her.

Jane sighed and closed her eyes as she collected it, her mind reeling with shame at how much her body had wanted his touch again.

“I would bring ye a new one each night. It is all I could do tae occupy my guest. I am sorry for my intrusion. I wasnae expecting ye tae be sleeping so early, and ye woke up before I took my leave.”

Jane nodded, still unable to speak.

“Goodnight, my lady,” he said, and with a smirk, he turned toward the door.

After he left, Jane tossed around in her bed the rest of the night, unable to find sleep as her mind burned with shame at her feelings and a want she couldn’t describe.


Lorna had promised her an hour of horseback riding,and she was determined to take her up on the offer. Riding horses had always been one of her favorite pastimes, and she was thrilled to revisit it.

She hurried toward the direction of the stables and went straight in only to find a male figure, instead of Lorna, saddling up the animals.

“Good morn, my lady.”

A shiver jolted her body—one that wasn’t caused by the cold.

“My lady?”

Darach frowned and stepped closer to her, and she took a hasty step back before thinking better of it.

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