Page 27 of The Dark Embrace

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Her belly shivered and jumped at the touch of his mouth and tongue upon it. He scraped his fangs against the delicate skin and enjoyed her responding shudder. She was always so responsive to him. His heart welled up with feeling as he looked up the length of her body into her desire hazed eyes. Her pale lips were parted with her tiny indrawn gasps of breath as she watched him, her muscles quivering with anticipation everywhere he touched. As he held her gaze, his lips curved, and he kissed a path lower, his nose brushing through the curls that covered her sex where her scent was the most delicious.

He was aware of her fingers twisting in the fabric of the cloaks from the sound of the straw shifting and crunching as she whispered a sharp profanity that made him smile against her skin.

“Okay, so… how do we do this mating thing?” she rasped breathlessly.

He peered up at her and raised an eyebrow as his tongue stroked her inner thigh, dragging a ragged gasp from her. The musky, slightly tart sweetness of her slick tantalized his tongue, but he reluctantly withdrew it so that he could speak.

“Am I not? Clearly I must be doing it wrong if you can still speak,” he purred with a hungry smile. “As for how, just remain exactly like this and allow me to show you.” He pressed a kiss to her hips and delivered a stinging nip that made her hips jerk with a gasp. He smiled up at her and kissed away the sting. “Let me worship you as you deserve. As I desire. My blood demands nothing less of me.”

She shivered at his words, her pupils expanding, absorbing the faint color of her eyes. The corners of her mouth curled, however, with a softness that bespoke of pleasure, and she dropped her head back with another quiet moan when he lapped her other thigh languidly, drawing his tongue in slow strokes.

Dark Ones, how he hungered for her. It consumed him, maddened him, and saved him. It was the only thing that overpowered the hunger for violence and blood that he had nurtured half of his life. He drowned out his need and lust to kill with a need to feast upon her. She was the only thing that made him safe for this world, but he no longer resented it… he relished it. Even without the magic leashing him to her, he knew, deep down inside, that she was the only thing that stood between him and destroying everything in his path.

His hetier unfurled, brushing along his upper thighs, his sack, and his cock with an eager desperation. They stretched, for the first time, to their full length, exposing the sharp tips that were usually kept carefully retracted even when they had latched with their tiny lesser barbs on the sides of the tip to the mouth of her womb. The sharp tips left damp trails of mating venom along his skin everywhere they touched, and he shivered erotically in response. His body was priming itself, readying to take his mate. It felt illicit as much as it drugged his senses with pleasure. His excitement rose as he tongued her sex, drinking in her essence.

He had envied the common drow before for their ability to participate in illicit mutual claiming despite it being viewed as immoral and filthy in their culture. Among the higher classes, certain restraints were used, and measures taken to prevent the male from instinctively claiming his mate. This time, there was no mouthguard lodged between his teeth so that he could not bite, nor were his hetier bound around his sack and clamped so that he could not introduce his mating venom. Although Robyn could not claim him back, she possessed him in every way that counted, and it was enough for him.

Ashul lapped at her folds, dragging his tongue slowly as he savored every drop of her arousal before driving his tongue deep. He rubbed her firm, fleshy pleasure center at the top of her slit with his first two fingers. How uniquely human. Her channel clenched around him with a fresh flood of sweetness. He growled against her cunt, enjoying the way her hips jumped with the vibration. Her cry with her release, however, was the sweetest of music to his ears. He did not dare relent until she gave her hips an impatient wiggle.

“Come on,” she huffed. “I want a turn.”

He paused mid-lick and glanced up at her in surprise. “A turn?”

Her face was pinkened slightly with her pleasure, her hair plastered against her neck and shoulders. She grinned down at him and gave her hips another wiggle until he reluctantly lifted his mouth away so that she could slide her legs out from where they were caged by his arms. Pushing up onto her knees with her fingertips brushing the cloak in front of her, she gave him a hungry look that made his body heat.

Scooting closer, Robyn placed a hand on his chest and pushed. He gave her a wary look but settled onto his back in the straw. It scratched and poked at him a bit, but it was surprisingly not too uncomfortable. He was more worried about her knees as she straddled his legs with a mischievous smile.

“Relax. It’s only fair that I get a taste too.”

He blinked. She wanted… a taste? Surely she didn’t mean… Oh, she did. Ashul shivered, his eyes sliding shut at the pleasure of her touch. Her hand closed around his cock and his sack tightened seconds before her head lowered and she placed a warm kiss along the side of its length. His breath rushed out of him with a growl, his hips canting instinctively as liquid heat spread through him.

“Songbird, what are you doing?” he rasped, angling his head up to peer at her.

She glanced up from her intensive focus on his prick, her lips slightly parted with her soft pants. The corner of her mouth inched up. “If you don’t know, perhaps I’m not doing it correctly.”

A broken laugh wheezed out of him as he let his head fall back. His laughter ended on a strangled moan as her lips closed around him and sucked him deep into the heat of her mouth. Such acts were unimaginable to him. Electricity rushed up his spine, and he snarled as his cock beaded with his precum. His hetier lashed, brushing against her jaw and cheek. One crept toward her mouth, and she looped it around her finger, releasing his cock just long enough to lick the tendril curling around her fingers, its barb leaking a faint stream of venom against her finger. A startled look crossed her face.

“Strange. It doesn’t taste like the rest of you.”

“Mating venom,” he rasped and nearly laughed at her shocked expression. “It is natural. My body is primed for our mating now with the hetier exposing their secondary barbs. It is what helps bind us. It prepares your body to accept the blood exchange and the changes that will result.”

She released his cock to run her fingertip along the sensitive edge of the hetier and gave it a curious smile as it flattened against the digit, the tiny, barbed hairs along its edges fanning out. Bending her head down, she sucked the tip carefully into her mouth, and his eyes rolled back in his head with a deep moan as his cock jumped, spewing a thick stream of precum onto his belly. He knew that the hetier were sensitive, but Dark Ones destroy him now if this pleasure stopped.

Giving his hetier one last final tug, she opened her mouth as his eyes drifted open so that he could watch it slip off her tongue. Such an erotic sight, but no more so than watching his mate take his cock into her mouth, sucking at it as her hand fisted its length firmly and pumped what she could not fit into her sweet, tight little mouth, her thumb brushing over the mating spines at the bottom of his cock firmly with every pass.

His chest rumbled with a growl, and her eyes snapped back up to him as she worked it quicker, her head bobbing so that every so often it hit the snug space at the back of her throat. His hetier lashed the air, flattening and swelling alternatively, seeking their purchase within a willing channel until Robyn gripped them in one hand, holding them out of the way, the sensation heightening the lust roaring through him.

His hips rose to meet her, his growls layering upon each other in a constant vibration as his need grew until he could not hold himself back anymore. His mate would have to forgive him for terminating her fun early.

With a snarl, he gripped the full length of her hair in one hand and pulled her head off his cock with a loud, wet pop. She gasped, her wet mouth parting as she met his eyes. Rolling up onto his knees, he swept an arm behind her thighs, lifting her up against him for the seconds it took to drive her back onto the bed of cloaks, a shower of straw falling around them from where it had clung to his hair.

He gripped her beneath the jaw, holding her face still for his kiss as he claimed her mouth with his. His mate arched into him with a needy whimper in her throat. He trembled against her with the force of his desire, jealousy chasing after every sweet response and marking it as his. Every sigh, every little cry, however muted, every moan. It was all his, and he eagerly drew each of them out of her to stamp his claim thoroughly into her being.

Ashul’s fingers curled around one of her thighs, drawing it up along his hip, as her other thigh fell to the other side of him, opening her up wide for him once more. His unfurled hetier slid damp paths up her inner thighs along the top of her sex. Typically, they would enter her before his cock did to pump smaller doses of his body’s natural venom into her channel, to stimulate her pleasure and prepare her for his cock, but not this time. He was too hard and ached too much to wait.

Ashul pressed his cock down with one hand, sliding the length through her essence before pressing the tip at her entrance and pushing deep at a slow, relentless pace. Without the hetier, her channel resisted, strangling his cock as he stretched her bit by bit until it was fully sheathed and pressing at her ultimate depths. He ground his hips, pumping shallowly as his need rode him hard.

He shivered as one swollen hetier worked its way in to slither its pulsing length down the side of his cock. Robyn cried out in reaction, and her cunt tightened around him, dragging a rough, breathless moan from him as it rippled along his length with her release. Her cunt continued to tighten and spasm around him, however, as the minor barbs of his hetier released its aphrodisiac primary venom that his body naturally produced that his secondary venom, his mating venom would only enhance.

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