Page 8 of Below the Surface

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I stare at the woman lying on my tomb with her dark hair fanned out across the marble, my hands itch to touch the soft-looking tresses. But then I jerk myself back to the present problem - her lack of blood from my greed and hunger. I place my hand over her chest and feel for the thump of a heartbeat. It's there but so faint no one else would be able to detect it.

I bite my wrist and bring it to her lips, using my hold on her jaw to open her mouth up. It hurts like hell to bite yourself so hard but it's better than having this woman's death on my conscious for the rest of my days. I watch as the blood seeps out of me and into her. Lips that were pale like death now bloom with color, stained bright red. Her skin becomes less ashen and her heartbeat quickens.

I pull my wrist back and lick the wound closed. She looks better but I need to make sure that her wounds are closed enough for me to move her upstairs. I kneel in front of the sarcophagus and turn her leg so I can take a look at the outside of her thigh, running my hand over where the gash was.

It looks like it has healed without even the evidence to say that it was ever there. I didn't think I gave her much, not enough to heal her like this. I run my hand over her thigh again and swallow down a shocking craving that hits me.

I shouldn't be this close to her. I shouldn't have anything to do with this woman. She smells too good and I have just woken up. I never have great control when I first wake up. The situation is made even worse by the fact her blood is coursing through my veins. It makes her even more of a temptation to me.

My mouth waters at the remembered taste of it in my mouth until all I can hear is the beat of her heart and the blood moving through her body. I have her legs spread open running my nose up her inner thigh before I can stop myself. She smells even better the farther up I go. I drag in a deep breath to try to grab hold of myself but it does no good when I’m where I am.

I end up burying my nose in her pussy. My true nature rises up inside of me. A growl rips from me as I curl my lips back in a snarl. I have the tiny, whispy nightgown in my hands and torn from her before I can talk myself down from doing more. As soon as I have her body bared to me I bury my face in her sweetness like a dieter mowing through a cake.

I try to lick her and be happy with just the taste of her tight cunt in my mouth. Surely, this is just a sex thing. Surely it’s just because she smells so damned sweet and enticing. I lick her until I realize my mistake. Already my tongue is changing from human to something my truer nature - broader, thicker, longer. And covered in smooth bumps that seem to be driving her crazy.

Her hands come down to find my hair and pull and play. Her body undulates under me and her breath comes faster and less evenly. Her hips dance around trying to chase my tongue for that ultimate pleasure. Her enjoyment is the only thing I can offer up as an excuse for what I do next. The way she chases after my tongue with her pussy, the smell of her sweetness, the feel of her soft skin under me - it all circles around in my head until I can't fight the urge any longer.

I sink my teeth in the fleshy part of her mound! As soon as I do my eyes snap open with an inner fire that was long since extinguished. Or at least I thought it was. She cries out. It is a sound that echoes throughout the castle. A fire flares to life in the fireplace of my office - the one she slipped through to get down here - and I hear Sofia from across the castle and three floors up.

"He's awake!"

Indeed...I am!

Chapter Eleven



My eyes are the last thing to come awake. I realize it is because I am terrified by what I am going to see if I do open them. Half of me is scared the creature will be here with me still. And oddly the other half of me is even more afraid that whatever it was won't be here and that it was all a figment of my imagination brought on by stress.

After being in the loudness of the cave everything is so quiet now. There is no sound of dripping water or echoes chasing one another down the stone and rock. I'm no longer in the cave, I can tell that for certain.

The bed I'm lying in is soft and warm and makes me want to turn to bury myself in the softness. At last, I blink my eyes open and stare up at the ceiling. Over me is a fresco of dragons flying through the air. One big one is wrapped around a bird-looking thing. I think they're fighting.

Oh God, I'm in some European hospital and must have dreamed the whole thing up because of what I subconsciously saw in the room one of the times I came awake. What am I suffering from? Hypothermia? Some kind of weird cave sickness? Did I get it when I fell into the water? Was it why I thought I was seeing dragons? Why I thought...I...No! I am not letting my mind go there to what I thought happened.

Obviously, Dillon got back to town and told someone about me falling into the Hole and someone got me out and brought me here. Right? I really did fall into the cave. Didn't I? It’s not because something even worse happened to it?

I'm not sure if I'm crying because the beast I had thought I saw was a dream or because I am grateful for being saved. Or if there is some other reason I feel like bawling my eyes out? I'm so confused. Movement from the corner causes my attention to shift there.

A huge man unfolds himself from a chair by the bed. What the fuck are they feeding the doctors over here that they would look this hot as fuck? I might be hallucinating again. I'm not sure because this man is sexy in all the right ways. His shoulders are so broad he could move a tank if he wanted to and his eyes...his eyes do something weird that makes me think whatever is in my system isn't out just yet. It looked like they changed into slits like a cat's eyes or serpents'.

"You're awake." That voice is like warm honey coursing over smoothness. "You spent quite a bit of time resting. I would have gotten worried had I not known you were in need of sleep." This man's eyes are so blue they burn, or at least they look like they are.

"Where am I?" I test my voice out on the question to find out how raspy it will come out. To my surprise, it’s not at all raspy. You would think spending as long as I did in sleep it would be.

The man's mouth moves into a grin that shows gleaming white teeth. "I made sure you were taken care of while you were resting."

What does that mean? 'Taken care of'? Does that mean like ice chips or something? I don't remember waking up and seeing this blue-eyed god once during my sleep but then I forgot that I woke up and stared at the ceiling long enough to pull it into my dreams. "You never told me where I'm at? Is this a hospital?"

He chuckles a little before answering me, "No. You're in my home."

He has the hint of an accent that makes him sound kind of like a Viking but that might just be because of where we are, or where I was when I got stuck in the cave. It could also be because the man looks like he should be wielding a broad sword and ravaging a village.

At one time but not anymore.

I push myself up feeling really vulnerable with this monster of a man standing over me. Especially when he's laughing at me with his responses. "Did you find me in the cave? Is something wrong with me?"

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