Page 15 of Below the Surface

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"Usually my dreams don't leave marks on me, well...not the good kind." I pitch my voice low so the smartassed-ness of what I said isn't as sharp as maybe it would have been.

"Oh God!"

"We need to talk about some things."

I take her by the hands and stare her in the eyes so she will pick up on the truthfulness of what I'm about to tell her.

"I'm Lord Dorin An-gehl Constantin Tamesis. I'm from an ancient race of beings that were created solely with the purpose of keeping humanity under control." She swallows hard but doesn't say anything. "We've been here a very long time making sure your species doesn't blow itself up or cause universal calamity. It's not been an easy job. Or one we asked for. I've seen wars upon wars over petty shit that means nothing in the end, countless innocent lives lost, and what you people do to the environment...woof."

This gets me a cocked eyebrow, but she doesn't say a word. So I go on.

"Over the centuries your...species has come up with many...unflattering words for us - monsters, dragons, vampires."

At last, she gasps out, her eyes growing large at the memory of me taking her blood.

"But at the end of the day, I suppose we can settle on...dragon. I am a blood dragon." Silence is all that meets me. "And you are my fated mate."

She sits so still and then does the only thing that could make this whole situation even worse...she runs.

You never run from a wild animal...or a blood dragon. She gets as far as the doors this time before I am materializing behind the one she pulls open to run out into the night. She screams and tries to shut the door in my face. I shove it open and almost knock her to the ground. Instead, she catches herself and takes off to where I'm guessing she thinks a back door should be.

This time I give chase, pouncing on top of her and knocking her to the ground. "Let me go! You're a fucking nut! You need to be locked up or put away where you can't hurt anyone." She tries to use her elbows to hit me and would have managed a couple of times if I hadn't been so deeply entrenched in her thoughts.

She thinks I am not mentally healthy and that I might be dangerous. Never to her. I would never be able to harm my sweet little mate.

"Let me go! You bastard! You unhinged fruitloop..."

"I'm not sure what a circle of fruit has to do with anything but I can assure you all of my faculties are there. Well enough to know we don't have much time."

I lean down and breathe in the scent of my mate, sending my tongue up the side of her neck.

My cocks are growing with every second I am so close to her. "Have much time? For what?"

I flip her over making sure to steer clear of her fists just in case, not that she could hurt me if she hit me. Quite the opposite, I would hurt her and I can't have that. To keep her from trying I clasp my hands around both of her wrists. We have very limited time and I have to talk to her.

"When I bit you, I...started something." Damn, this is hard to do. I never thought I would be experiencing so many emotions just telling the woman who is meant to be my mate what I have done but guilt, excitement, fear of rejection, and a small hint of regret course through me. I don't regret biting Lilliana -never- I just wish I would have waited for her to be more on board with what is going on. Would things be different if I had waited or would she still think I was insane?

"Started som...?" She starts to ask me what I mean but before she can she is hit with a sharp pain that contorts her face and causes her body to curl in on itself. I hold her down as best I can without hurting her. "Wh...what's wrong with me?"

Another wave hits her and she brings her arms down to hug herself around her middle. I can't keep holding on to her without hurting her so I let her go. She looks up at me with a mixture of fear and anger.

"What did you do to me?"

No use candy coating it or even trying to pretend this isn't going to end how it is, "You're going into heat."

She looks at me with appall, gasping up at me with a fire in her eyes that would make any dragonlet proud.

"What?! The?! FUCK?!"

Chapter Sixteen



"I have segments on my cocks, nubs that are designed to hold me inside of you once we mate. They stiffen when I cum and we can't be pulled apart until...Oh Josie, fuck!" Her body once more finds release but this time my cock is inside of her filling her full of precum, making the entry so much easier.

She screams through her orgasm this time.

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