Page 39 of The Veil

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“Huh?” I tilted my head, confused.

Picking up a towel off the counter, he wiped his hands before he threw it over his shoulder. Turning to me with the pan in his hand, he served me some scrambled eggs. He then spun back around to get a skillet. He laid three strips of bacon on my plate before I held my hand up, indicating that was enough.

“Donatello is the best turtle,” he countered with a cheeky smile.

I giggled, “Oh.”

“I will make you some coffee,” he called out as he laid the pan on the stove then sauntered to the coffee maker.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, scrolling through the screens. I downloaded Instagram then logged in. While scrolling through my feed seeing what I had missed, I got nosy. Clicking Tanya’s profile, I noticed she had not posted anything since the event.

At some point during that night, she had taken a photo of herself with her boyfriend, William. Sir was in the background, but with his mask, and his arm covering the lower half of his face, it was impossible to identify him.

Sighing, I laid my phone on the counter. I bit off a piece of bacon as I hovered my clean fingers over thebutton to unfollow her. Did I want to do it? I did but I also did not. I felt so betrayed by her even though nothing terrible happened to me, yet. Deciding not to make any speedy decisions for now, I just exited from my account then viewed my text inbox.

Sirsaid I would need to get permission to leave my apartment so I thought I should maybe inform him of the job interview this afternoon. I could not stay locked up in here like a prisoner. I am sure he would understand that I did need to work. He was taking care of me in so many ways, but I felt that it would be best to contribute as much as possible. This lifestyle was too lavish for me; well, at least it seemed that way at the moment.

I decided to call him instead of text. He picked up almost immediately.

Isabelle, hello! Sorry I haven't texted you back. I have been so busy at work, he answered, immediately explaining himself.

It's okay, I giggled.Hey, I have a job interview today and I was wondering if I could please go?

I'm not sure I'm okay with that, he sighed.It's just an interview?

Yes yes, just an interview, I quickly reassured him.

Okay that's fine, he agreed.Take security with you and good luck, although I doubt you need it.

Okay, I beamed.Thank you so much.

He chuckled mildly,I must go but call me later and tell me about it.

Yes, Sir,I emphasized the wordSirin a flirty way.

Isabelle, he seductively growled.

I snickered into the phone before hanging up on him, refusing to let him get another word in. As I stood, my email notification popped up on my phone. I opened it, seeing that I had the promised text from the woman who called me earlier.

Ms. Ayala,

I am confirming your interview today. We will see you at 4:00 p.m. at 377 Lexington Ave.

Samantha Thompson

Executive Assistant

VCG International

I smiled as I grabbed the last piece of bacon off my plate. Before I could tidy up my breakfast area, Michelangelo took my plate from the island with a smile. He walked to the sink with it before I could protest.

“Thank you,” I murmured.

He nodded, “Of course, Miss.”

I did not think that I would ever get used to being called Miss. It was strange to be addressed so formally, but still, I gave him a final smile before prancing out of the kitchen, finishing off my slice of bacon.

As I made my way back up to my room, I realized how badly I wished I could call Tanya, telling her the good news about a possible job. Once the shock wore off, I finally realized where exactly it was that I was interviewing. I had heard of the company so naturally, I got excited.

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