Page 34 of Sinfully Loved

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The kiss had been no comparison to what we had shared at the wedding. I knew the immediate anger at my question had drawn a little passion from Vincenzo, and my skin still tingled at the memory. Even if it was wrong, and the boundaries had been clearly set.

However, he could no longer claim that he was only the new Vincenzo. The old one still existed, somewhere deep inside. It was only necessary to tease him out; to do so, he had to bring up weapons that were not typically used.

It also reassured me that he did not have his wife on his conscience. So I could feel safe and put aside the fear that he wanted to gain my trust to be able to strike more easily later.

I turned and went into the house so I ask Vincenzo about the cats. Of course, I hadn't seen him since yesterday, and I was positive he was using the surveillance cameras to ensure I wasn't around. Only then did he come out of his rooms and disappeared as quickly as he had appeared.

There was no reason to hide from me like that. We were married. There had been a kiss. Under other circumstances, it would have been the most normal thing in the world, but Vincenzo acted as if I had mortally offended him.

I didn't plan to keep him company any longer than necessary, and I wasn't going to nail him on that stupid marriage vow. He had done it to save me from my father. Nothing else mattered.

Accordingly charged, I trudged toward the door of his office. What was wrong with putting a little fire under his butt? Maybe he would wake up from the lethargy that surrounded him so vehemently. Perhaps he would realize that life went on, even if someone had died.

After all, there was no point in putting one's life on hold when one was still alive and had no reason to have one foot in the grave.

I raised my hand, tapped against the old wood, and listened intently for a reaction. Meanwhile, I could imagine him holding his breath and not moving an inch, hoping I would leave him alone.

If I just ignored the kiss and pretended it never happened, would he act halfway normal to me again?

"Vincenzo," I called out. "Please show me how you handle the animals. I want to feed them sometimes too!"

It sounded like I was five years old. My initial fear of the big cats had faded, and I had read how friendly these rescued animals could be. How grateful.

"I used your credit card last night to make some donations," I followed up, hoping it would draw him out.

But he didn't care if I spent his money. After all, he had more than enough.

I pressed my lips together and crossed my arms. "I won't leave until you answer me."

And if I had to sit here for the next five hours, he wouldn't…

The door opened, and Vincenzo looked at me with annoyance. Disparagingly. As if he was considering whether it was the lesser evil to talk to me.

"I'm not poisonous, in case you hadn't realized," I grumbled, looking up at him which immediately reminded me of how close we had been yesterday.

"No, but annoying,raggio di sole."

I screwed up my face. Clearly, this had to come from him, who had been making a face all week, like there was a dark cloud hanging over him.

"You didn't have to sacrifice yourself for me," I replied, lifting my chin.

He had made the decision. Not me.

"You saidyes."

"You did too, if I may remind you," I replied, crossing my arms again. "Besides, it's not like I had any other choice."

"Well, we're both caught up in the current situation."

"You could say that."

"That still doesn't mean I want to spend all day with you."

"Since I've been here, we've never seen each other for more than thirty minutes at a time. In some cases, not at all for half a day."

"I don't see a problem there."

"I do. Maybe you should have picked a desert island in the middle of the sea instead of Tramonti."

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