Page 88 of Super Cocky

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I trusted Brady—always—to give me what I needed.

To love me.

Cherish me.

And to let me love him the way he deserved, too.

“Didn’t know it could be this good,” Brady ground out, making me moan again as he finally—finally—pressed the thick head of his cock right where I needed it. “Never believed this could be real.”

“I love you, Brady Davis,” I said, staring up into his eyes.“Forever.”

Brady made the sexiest sound I had ever heard, thrusting inside me in one long, slow glide that felt like it filled me up completely. Body, heart, and soul.

“You’re so beautiful, babe,” he said, leaning down to kiss me slowly and deeply as he pulled back and then thrust deep again.

And again.

And then—tipping his hips up and proving he really did know my body perfectly—again, in exactly the right spot to make me see heaven.


“Yeah,” he growled. “Like that.”

“Oh… God…yes,” I tried to agree, starting to feel incapable of forming actual sentences as he started driving into me faster, hitting my g-spot every time.

It washeaven. Pure heaven.

I closed my eyes and tossed my head back, but forced them open again when I remembered what Brady had said.

I want to look into those beautiful eyes when I’m inside you.

Brady was fucking me so well. Making love to me. And I knew my man, knew that he would give and give andgiveuntil the pleasure overwhelmed me—but I wanted to give Brady what he’d asked for, too. Wanted to share every moment, every feeling, every look with this man—this perfect man who was going to be my husband, this amazing man who’d learned to open his heart and, in doing so, taught me how to trust again, too.

“Do you know… what I… see?” Brady asked, his words punching out with each thrust.

I moaned, rubbing my hand against my clit and starting to stroke myself in time with his hard thrusts.

“Everything,” he said, not making me answer.

“Yes,”I gasped.

Yes, this love was everything.Yes, it was real and true and forever. And yes—fucking Godyes—I was going to come. For Brady. For love. For us.


“Come with me, Jo,” Brady groaned, his rhythm starting to stutter as his gorgeous face scrunched up with his own impending release. “Marryme.”

“Yes,”I cried, my hips bucking as my climax took me over the edge.

It was so good. So overwhelming. And I waslaughing, grinning up at the man I loved through gasping breaths that were as much orgasm as pure joy.

Brady gave one more powerful thrust—his already thick cock filling me completely as he ground out my name with that low, sexy, gravelly voice that I would never tire of hearing. My body shuddered with the force of his release.

For several seconds, I couldn’t open my eyes. Hadn’t even realized they’d closed. I simply enjoyed the moment, the feeling that was so close to floating, to being weightless, the only thing tethering me to the ground was the connection I had with Brady.

And then his body was on top of mine, pressing against me and rolling me over onto my side as our lips met.

