Page 44 of Crash

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“Easton.” She moans as I push all the way in, burying myself so deep inside her. I groan. She still feels the same. I bend down to kiss her, but she turns her face. My lips connect with the soft skin of her cheek instead. “We’re just having sex. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Wrong. So wrong, baby.

My body chills and I hold back my growl, letting my lips tip up in a sinister smile. “Then shut the fuck up and let me fuck you.” I pull out, flipping her over. The metal cuffs make her arms cross over one another. She gasps when I enter her from behind. Slapping her ass, I tangle my hand in her hair, jerking her head back so she’s looking to the ceiling. My other hand wraps around her throat, applying pressure as her moan is cut off, instead a gagging sound filling the air. She likes it. Jasmine is a filthy girl when it comes to me. I ride her hard, taking all of my frustrations out on her as I sink into her, my balls slapping her pussy. She can act like this means nothing, that we are just fucking, but we both know what a liar she is. I’ve fucked many girls before her and none of them evoked the sense of possessiveness I feel when I’m inside her. None of them make my heart skip a beat. I, Easton motherfucking McKnight, am completely and irrationally into a woman I haven’t spoken to in two years.

She can’t escape me, but she can lie to herself all she wants.

Thankfully, the parents left to take a vacation early this morning, because there is no guessing what’s happening in my bedroom. Her legs shake before she falls, and I follow her, not letting up until my seed is deeply planted inside her. I brush the hair off her shoulder, kissing it, trailing my lips up the back of her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of vanilla I’ve been denied for too long. Keeping her pressed under me as I feel every tiny move of her body, the breaths of her lungs, the overthinking that is warring inside her mind.

I must’ve exhausted her after our intense fucking because it’s not long before her breaths even out, eyes falling shut, body relaxing under mine. She sleeps the rest of the day and most of the night. She wakes up, screaming and thrashing. Demanding I release her.

I won’t. Not until she forgives me.



He cannot keep me like this forever, can he? No, that’s silly. He must let me go eventually. I’m thankful he’s let me use the bathroom at least and tried to feed me. I bite him when he gets too close. But he only grins at me. He is borderline crazy and a little nicer than the last time I saw him.

He left about five minutes ago. I can see my phone, but I can’t reach it. “Hey, Siri, call—” Easton appears out of nowhere, standing over me, a challenge in his eyes. “Easton, let me go! You cannot keep me here like this. I need to head home. I have a cat, you know? Benny can’t feed him forever.”

He tilts his head, sighing. “Do you forgive me?”

“You haven’t apologized for anything,” I remind him. A deep frown settles on his perfect lips. Lips I want to kiss. Deciding on another tactic, I change the subject. “So, do you think that maybe you could let me go take a shower?”

He nods, settling his body over my chest, pinning me into the mattress, unlocking the cuffs from my wrists. My heavy, numb arms fall beside me, and he leans down, licking my bottom lip before capturing it between his lips, sinking his teeth in. Slowly, he gets off of me, helping me up.

I rub my scarred wrists together, the uneven skin skating across each other. They are so sore. Thankfully, not raw. “At least they’re not raw,” I mumble.

“That’s because I’m a gentleman.”

I purse my lips. “Gentlemen do not give people sleeping medication before kidnapping them and handcuffing them to their beds.” He shrugs, like it’s no big deal.

I walk into his bathroom, trying to hurry and shut the door, but he sticks his foot between the frame and the door, stopping me. I look up to him, swallowing. He pushes it open, stalking toward me as I back up. “I’m sorry. I was hurting and I felt like you were slipping between my fingers.” He leans over me as I lean into the counter, his hazel eyes so passionate. “I couldn’t just lose you.” He pushes a piece of hair behind my ear. “I know I went about it all wrong. The thing is… I still love you. Unconditionally. Irrationally. I love you so much I’m not sure there’s much room for anything else inside me.” He cups my face. “The reason I acted crazy was because I said I love you and you didn’t say it back. Don’t…” he trails off, brushing his thumb over my lips. “If you still love me, then tell me. Because I want you. I will always want you, Jasmine Renae Andrews.”

“Easton…” I do love him, but my heart is protesting not to let him in again.

“Never mind. Don’t say anything. Not until after I show you how much you mean to me.” I nod, and he finally releases me.

Stripping his clothes off as I do the same, we get in the shower where he uses his hands to lather me with soap, paying special attention to my lady bits. His strong fingers work me as I lay plastered against his warm, wet skin, his muscles twitching behind me. His enormous cock rubbing between my cheeks. His hands tangling in my hair as he washes it. His lips dance over my skin as he holds me, and the water beats down on us. The way my lips find their way to his and how they fit so perfectly. Moving with ease and familiarity. His strong arms wrap around me, caging me to him.

Falling back in love with Easton is too easy. One shower and I am ready to risk it all, but my heart, no matter how much it longs for him, it won’t budge. We couldn’t let him get inside again. Pleading with myself that this is a one-time thing.


She fucking left. Not just my house. No, the whole damn state. She ran away, again. I knew I should have left her chained to my bed. The thing is, she can run all she wants. I’d chase her for years, if that’s what it takes. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m fucking pissed because she lied, but it doesn’t matter. Because, in the end, she is mine. She will always be mine.

I head outside to my car, suitcase in hand. “Where are you going?” Nixon asks, looking over to my suitcase.

“To chase down my fucking woman,” I reply, throwing the suitcase in the back of the car. I planned to stay here all summer, but shit changed when she decided to leave. Without me.

“I thought I heard her screaming. Wasn’t sure what to do with,” he motions to my house, “all that.”

I shrug. He doesn’t need to know the ins and outs. “Yeah, bro, she’s a screamer.” I throw him a wink before climbing into my car.

He knocks on my window, and I roll it down. “Just… do the right thing, Easton. She hasn’t had it as easy as the rest of us.” Nixon looks serious and it is strange because he’s the one with all the jokes. “I’ll personally break a few of your bones. They don’t call me the bone crusher for nothing.” He winks, tapping my car. “Be safe, cousin.” I salute him, making my way out the gates and heading back to New York.

Jasmine is crazy if she thinks she can run from me.

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