Page 28 of Crash

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I let my tongue trail up her calf, my hands following the path to her thighs, tracing every scar, feeling the raised skin of old burns. I slip my tongue between her folds, savoring her addictive taste I can’t get enough of. I trail light kisses up her stomach, over her belly button, my tongue counting the ridges of her ribs. My mouth wraps around her pert nipples, and fuck, I don’t ever want to leave this room. I bite down, my teeth sinking into the pillowy flesh, my tongue sweeping out to heal the pain of my mark. I suck on her chest, leaving tiny red-and-blue marks behind. I caress every inch of her body. Memorizing it with my hands and tongue. I kiss up her neck, being careful not to leave too many marks there. My girl is modest but damn, I wish I could. So that every time she thinks she can push me from her mind, she has a reminder even the world can’t ignore.

I lay a kiss behind her ear, listening to the soft purrs she makes. Gently, I ease her back, pulling my clothes off once her head hits the pillow. I crawl on top of her, gripping the back of her neck, pulling her lips to mine as I sink in slowly, inch by inch, until she’s all I can feel. Our bodies move as one. Our lips in sync as I slip my tongue inside her mouth, swallowing her moans.

I take her gently. For the first time ever, I make love to someone. I drown in her, whispering sweet nothings in her ears, my eyes holding her wide ones captive the whole time. I feel myself soaking her in, burning this image of her into my mind.

I kiss down her neck, our chests touching as she wraps her arms around my neck, her legs around my waist. My thrusts are slow and long, and I wonder why the fuck I’ve never done this before. Why did I wait until the end to pour my soul into her? To allow myself to be consumed with my feelings as I release them into her. The ache in my chest, this annoying pain I can’t shut off, threatens to pull me under as we both chase our release. A groan ripping from my chest, moans slipping past her perfect lips.

When we finish, I tangle her body with mine like she is my lifeline. I caress her face, my thumb rubbing over the curve of her cheek as I stare down into her adoring eyes. Three words threatening to break free as I watch her. My hand moves to her hair, my fingers massaging her scalp as everything inside of me wages a war on itself. I want… Fuck, what do I want?

She falls asleep on my chest. I watch her all night. Studying every inch of her delicate face. Because before long, she won’t be mine anymore.

The thought rips me to shred and in the early morning, I wake her up, making love to her body all over again. I kiss her every chance I get until Ezra is banging on my door, wanting to see her best friend.

And then, I have to let her go. Even though everything inside me is begging me to hold on.



I am on my way to first period. Coffee clutched tightly in my hands as I dodge the animals in the hallway. Who woke up ready to take on the world this early in the morning? Not me, but Billy over there, making animal noses as he jumps up and down, is.

This morning is weird. Everyone is talking about me again. Hiding their phones when I come near. I brush it off, thinking it is nothing. That is until my phone goes off. Leaning against the wall, I open the message up.

It’s like it all happens in slow motion. My heart drops, mouth parting slightly as a disbelieving gasp escapes past my lips, phone clattering to the floor with a sickening shatter. How could he? Tears burn, stinging the backs of my eyes as I look around. Everyone is staring. Someone laughs, the sound echoing in my ears. I grow hot, it feels like everyone’s eyes are on me. Others look sad for me, pity reflecting at me.

The caption reads, The final bet. I’ve gotten these messages before. The football players play a stupid bet game, but that… I close my eyes as more tears build behind my closed lids. My body feels hot and heavy as a building pressure captures my lungs, twisting and squeezing.

It is a video of Easton and me in my room. They first time we had sex. It is angled from my desk. My light teal silky sheets. My black hair over my pillow. Easton over me. Even if they just speculated it was me, I know it was me.

The ache builds in my chest even more. So strong, I don’t know if I should go see a doctor. It hurts. God, does it hurt. I clutch my chest, willing my feet to move. My whole body is shaking with an impending sob. When I open my eyes, they collide with guilty hazel ones. Only then do my feet move. I turn, walking fast down the hallway.

“Jasmine!” Easton yells.

I hear his footsteps pounding on the tile, so I start to run. He doesn’t get to see what he’s done to me. I burst out the front door, shoving through students as I make my way to my car. A hand grabs mine. I shake it off.

“Wait,” Easton growls.

Turning around, my hand collides with his cheek, a sickening smack echoing. My hand stings. Easton’s face tints red with an angry handprint. He looks up at me, eyes dark.

“I deserved that,” he says slowly.

“You deserve so much worse,” I choke out, shaking with rage and adrenalin. Weak. He really fooled me.

“Listen to me, baby.” He approaches me slowly.

“No!” I scream. “How could you, Easton? How could you do that to me? You could have slept with me that once and left me alone. But no, you had to drive the knife in by making me believe you liked me.” He goes to speak, but I continue because I’m not done. “Is this your payback for getting you in trouble?” I give him a slow clap as tears sting my cheeks. “Congratulations, Easton. You win. I’m thoroughly fucking broken.” He winces at my words.

He goes to speak again, when Ezra comes out of nowhere, sending her fist into his face, causing him to stumble back. She glares at him before looking at me, her face softening.

“Come on.” She pulls me into her side. “Fuck him, Jasmine. He doesn’t deserve you.” She walks me to her Bugatti.

I chance one last look over my shoulder. Easton's face is cast down. He slowly raises it, features covered in remorse. His eyes beg for a chance to speak. I break eye contact, climbing into Ezra's car as she acts like my white knight and gets me out of there.

Everything feels numb as we speed through town. If you thought I was broken before, you haven’t seen anything yet.

* * *

“Mom,” I croak, walking into my house. I need her right now. “Mom,” I yell, running up the stairs, busting her door open. For the second time today, my heart stops, heart sinking. “Mom?” I whisper.

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