Page 21 of Crash

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“You better not be coming out of my daughter's bedroom,” my dad’s voice booms, and Easton yells.

“Fuck, Uncle Jacks. You scared me.”

“I’m going to fucking skin you alive if I find out you spent the night.”

Easton lets out an uneasy chuckle. “No, sir, just dropping off some books I borrowed.”

“All right. That’s a lie, but I’ll allow it. Tell your dad to get his ass over here and see me. He acts like I’m not his best fucking friend and it kind of hurts my old heart, you know?” Their voices are cut off by the start of my shower.

My life is starting to turn around. I smile to myself as I get into the shower.


“And just where the fuck have you been?” Sighing, I turn around to see my dad. He’s still fit to be considered old, still has muscles and zero percent body fat. I look like a carbon copy of him, especially the teenage version of him.

“Uncle Jacks said you need to go see him. Something about being best friends and you breaking his heart?” I shake my head, laughing as my dad grins.

“Your uncle Jacks is a soft bastard, but yeah, I’ll go see him.” He walks to the door, crossing over to the Andrewses’ house.

I see Jacks open the door, and then man hugs are exchanged before they begin wrestling, my dad tackling him to the ground immediately. My mom slams her car door, running at a fast sprint, jumping into Jackson’s arms, holding on to him like a monkey. She kisses his cheek and hugs him again. I don’t know why they're so close, but whatever, there must be some deep shit behind it. The older generation have secrets. Secrets no one will ever know.

I close the door, treading upstairs for a shower. Resting my head against the tile, I think about Jasmine. How her body comes alive under my touch. How sweet she is compared to my cruelness. How she gives me all these weird feelings I don’t know how to place. How she’s been starved of love, and I’ve been making her life worse. And how she was raped, and when I find out who did it, I am going to butcher them with my katana.

It is still early morning when I get out of the shower, so I take my ass back to bed, tossing and turning since I don’t have a small, warm body next to me. Eventually, I pass out. The girl with raven hair and green eyes running laps in my dreams.

It’s like Jasmine is the perfect drug, tailored just for me.

And I am sick with addiction. No cure in sight.



I try all day to tell my mom about her brother. When would be the right time? Hey, Mom, I know we’re getting pedicures, but your brother raped me. Or how about, Hey, Mom, I know we’re having a nice lunch, but your brother is a sick bastard who raped me.

No. I couldn’t.

So, I wait until we are sitting in the kitchen, sipping wine. “So, Mom,” I clear my throat, the wine suddenly souring in my stomach as I pick at the memory from the lock box in my mind. “Remember when I went to Africa by myself?”

She nods, eyes watching me intently for the first time in my life. I kind of wish she’d look away for this one.

“And you remember I stayed at the hotel closer to the airport so I wouldn’t have to wake up so early.”

“Yes, honey. I remember.”

I release a breath. “Well, after I got there, I was snatched out of the parking lot. Completely blindsided. And well, the next thing I knew, I was in a basement. God, Mom, it felt like I was there for hours, but it may have only been minutes. I was panicking, so a time frame was the least of my worries. This man came in and he…” I look to the table in front of me, my fingers pinching my skin until it hurts. “He looked a lot like you.” I look back up to her. She stares, eyes dark with recollection. “Anyways, he said he was your brother and he…” A tear slips free, coasting down my cheek, dropping onto my lap. “He raped me.”

Her body turns ridged, mouth opening to speak, but I cut her off, holding up my hand. “Please, let me finish or I never will.” My insides twist at my words, the rape a blank space in my mind. I know that blank space is to protect me, but it makes me uneasy to not remember the details. “I don’t remember the rape, or anything else that happened after. I just remember waking up in the ditch next to the hotel. I remember sobbing in the shower as the water ran from red to clear, I remember the ache between my thighs and how my mind was so blurry, I think I was in shock, because instead of coming home, I got on the plane to go to Africa, like nothing ever happened.”

I look to her now. Her eyes are glassy, shifting as if she’s reliving her own trauma all over again through me. A sob crawls up from deep within her chest, slipping past her trembling lips as she wraps both arms around me. My body crushes to hers and I wrap my arms tightly around her shaking body as sobs rack through her small frame. “I’m so sorry.” She hiccups, kissing the crown of my head. She pulls back, looking at me. “I should have protected you.” She releases me, gathering herself as I do the same. Push down the emotions, trying to shove the memory back into the lock box.

And then I tell her about the messages before I lose my nerves. “He said that if he could get to me so easily, it would be nothing to torture and kill me. He said…” I swallow, pushing myself forward as my body trembles. “He said you’re a traitorous bitch and if you don’t stop messing with his business, he’ll come for you next.”

Her green eyes simmer, her hands clenching before she pulls out her phone, slapping it to the sterile countertop and putting it on speakerphone.

“Hello, little sister.” The voice rips up my body, nausea weakening my stomach as acid works its way up my throat.

“You touched my daughter. Now, I’m going to have to fucking kill you. Like I should have done before.” My mom’s voice is cold like gun metal and just as lethal.

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