Page 32 of Break

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She claws at my shirt as I rip hers open, exposing her swollen breasts. I suck the soft curve. Her head bangs against the wall. And then, I toss her on the bed, pulling off my shirt and sweats as she pulls her jeans off. I grab a condom, and I’m about to rip it open when she stops. “Nixon. Not like this, not when you have a girlfriend.”

I look into her eyes. “We need to talk,” I say.


“And that’s how I got into this mess.”

I sit there, startled. “How much longer do you have to do this?”

He sighs, running his fingers through his thick blond hair. “I’m not sure, baby. But I can’t keep doing this without you. I need you, Monroe.”

I look down at my lap, playing with the bedding. “Nixon, I’m a virgin. I’m not sure that I’m ready.” I hide my face so he can’t see my embarrassment.

He cups my face, and a sad look crosses over it. “I should have waited for you. I should have—fuck. I only ever wanted you, but then it seemed like I wasn’t ever going to get you, so I said fuck it.” He kisses my knuckles.

“Nix, it’s okay. You have the right to have sex with whomever you want. You don’t have to feel obligated to wait for me.”

His eyes burn holes into mine with an intensity. “Will you wait for me? When you’re ready, let me be your first. Let me take care of you.”

My eyes burn with happy tears as I nod. “Of course. I’ve been waiting for you, Nixon Jacobs Masterson. It was always you.” I raise to my knees, kissing his neck. “My first kiss. My first orgasm. My first love.” I whisper the last part as I kiss up his jaw.

“You better stop, ma fille, before you start something I’ll have no choice but to finish.”

I smile against his lips, giving him one last kiss. “Come on,” I say, pulling him along with me.

* * *

“Moving Along” by 5 Seconds of Summeris playing while I sing my heart out, dancing, and clutching a bottle of tequila between my fingers. I’m jumping up and down on the coffee table while everyone watches. “You guys are laaaame,” I whine, still dancing.

“I have a great view from down here.” Everett smirks, and Nixon hits him in the chest, glaring.

“East, get up here with me!” He shakes his head, hiding a smile as I hop down. “Leslie!” I shout.

Our parents let us bring a friend along since we already had Christmas last week. I brought Leslie. Nixon, Easton, Ezra, and Jasmine didn’t bring anyone. Everett brought his friend Wyatt. We have the perfect amount of people to make truth or dare fun.

“Hey, bestie,” she slurs.

I wrap my arms around her. “Let’s play a game.”

Her eyes glitter with mischief. “Let’s.”

I gather everyone around the coffee table, snuggling into Nixon’s side as he sips a beer. “Okay, we’re playing truth or dare.” Ezra and Jasmine groan. “Oh, shush. It’ll be fun. Anyways, if you don’t want to answer the truth or you don’t want to do the dare, you must drink.” Jasmine looks four seconds away from running. “I’ll go first. Easton.” His eyes glitter as he looks at me. “Truth or dare?”

He rubs his chin with his thumb. “Truth.”

I clap my hands, already having something ready for him. “Why do you hate Jasmine?” His twinkling eyes turn dark, and he chugs his beer. “Boo.” I slam my back into the couch.

“Wyatt, truth or dare?” Easton asks. Wyatt was built by the gods. He has stubble on his sharp jaw. Brown eyes and thick lashes. A straight nose and beautiful brown hair he keeps longer, not like rockstar long, but definitely not the typical cut guys our age usually go for. Like McDreamy’s hair from Grey’s Anatomy.

“Dare,” he says.

East smiles. “Kiss Leslie.”

I feel Everett stiffen beside me. Uh-oh. I sip my tequila as Nixon reaches down and bites my ear. I giggle, swatting him away. Leslie and Wyatt kiss. Honestly, it looks so natural you’d think they’ve done it before. Interesting.

“Truth or dare, Ezra?” Wyatt asks as Ezra glares at him. She doesn’t want to play.


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