Page 64 of Fabricated

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“Yes.” It is too easy to want to melt into his arms, lay my head upon his shoulder, and just breathe for the first time in what feels like weeks.

“Anyone who actually matters? Because as far as I’m concerned, I’m the only one allowed to compliment you.And you look even better than beautiful tonight.”

“How so?” I cannot hide my curiosity, no matter how much I want to. I want to get up and demand him to leave, but truth is, I am out of my element here and his presence lessens my anxiety.

“Because you look like mine.” Be still my heart. Do not—I repeat, do not—let the butterflies out of the cage.

* * *

The show is long and boring, but I sit comfortably in Branson’s lap. Like a queen on her throne as he plants heated kisses to my neck, behind my ear, and my shoulder.

“Now, we’d like to present our best on-screen couple! Drum roll, please!” The drum roll begins as Hidie, from The Burleson Dolls, a reality TV show about exotic dancers, opens the white, diamond-encrusted envelope. She gasps, the drums stop, along with my heart, when she says, “Branson Lexington and Rayne Prescott from The Edge of Nobility!”

The crowd cheers as a spotlight shines down on us, and Tucker helps me off Branson. Branson places my arm through his as he walks us up onto stage. The lights are even more blinding from here, hiding the crowd from my sight.

“I am a huge Rayson fan!” Heidi says, placing a kiss on each of our cheeks. “Congratulations!” And then into the microphone, “Rayson, everyone!” The crowd gets louder as she hands me the gold trophy that is made up of two swans wrapped together by the necks to make a heart.

My heart is pounding as I pick an unknown spot in the crowd, smiling. “Thank you,” Branson says into the microphone. “I’d like to take this time to confess my heart, to put myself on the line. If you all don’t mind?” The crowd goes wild as he smiles, turning to me.

My eyes go wide. “What are you doing?” I whisper behind my smile.

“Rayne, Darling, I’m sorry.” His eyes hold mine, captivating me with his dark orbs. “I’m sorry for everything I’ve done, things I legally can’t say up here, but nonetheless, I am sorry. When I saw you again for the first time, it took everything in me not to snatch you and run. I had to play it off and it killed me inside. I had already spent so much time away from you. Time I couldn’t get back and didn’t want to waste.” He clears his throat, shifting a little uncomfortably. “You were so much more than I imagined.” His deep eyes shine with obsession, soften with love. “Soft and delicate, but hard and strong when you need to be. Shy but a smartass,” the crowd laughs as I smother a watery smile, “which I have to admit is my favorite thing about you. You are beautiful, so beautiful, in fact, you have no idea. From your crystal eyes to the sprinkling of freckles you hate. To all of your presence that drags people in unknowingly. You’re beautiful in a way that’s everlasting.” He steps closer, his free hand reaching up to swipe a tear from my face.

“I never wanted to hurt you, and I’m sorry that I’m a villain in your story. I’m a fool, and I’m completely unworthy of you, but I love you, regardless, and I think deep down, you might even love me too…” I bite my lip, holding the tremble from releasing. “I want to marry you,” the crowd gasps, “not because we have to but because I want to. There is no me without you. There is no life for me without you in it. I promised to always protect you and I meant it. So let me protect you. Just let me in, Rayne.”

The crowd waits, heavy silence in the air as they hold their breath. Tears are streaming down my face freely as I look at Branson. He has a soft smile on his face, one you never get to see but when you do, you cannot look away from it. Such a rare sight, you want to document it. I shake my head, dropping his hand, “I can’t… not here.” The crowd murmurs as I break away from him, hurrying backstage until I find an exit that leads to the alley out back.

The chilly air wraps around me as I sag against the brick building behind me. The door swings open as Branson barges out, looking everywhere until he sees me. He stalks forward, the energy shifting around us like a whirlwind. He stops in front of me, his hand grabbing my neck gently as he pulls me to him. Like a magnet, our lips touch, moving in sync as I wrap my arms around him, pulling him closer. His hand shifts to my hip and he squeezes, his tongue rolling over mine. I pull him even closer, my hands in his hair as my salty tears wet our lips. Our hearts beat against our chests, as if trying to get closer to one another. We drown together. My body hums with his as he deepens the kiss, shredding every doubt I have into nothing.

“Well, this is cute.” The voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

Branson shields me with his body. “Matilda…” His voice is hard, with an edge of alert I have never heard from him. I peek around to see her, her eyes wild and face a mess as her hand trembles around the gun.

“Move, Branson. I don’t want to hurt you. I just want this little bitch gone. Then we can be together, and I can lead. Nothing has to change.”She smiles at him with a mother’s love.

I can’t do that,” he says calmly. “Why don’t you think about this?”

She glares, all her fake love gone as she holds the gun up toward him. My hand touches the cool metal on my thigh as I release it from its holder, pulling it free. “Fine, die for the whore, I don’t care.”

It happens so fast, yet everything feels like slow motion. I watch the bullet release from the barrel, sailing straight into Branson’s chest as he drops at my feet. My finger presses the trigger a second later, the bullet spinning until it connects with her shoulder. Her arm jerks, gun flying out of her hand as she drops to the ground, screaming as her other hand clutches the wound. Blood spilling from it.

Tucker walks out, eyes widened at the scene in front of him. I drop to my knees, my hand going to his wound while the other points my gun at her. “Take her, I’ll handle her later. Call an ambulance, now, Tucker.” He nods, phone going to his ear as he motions with his hand. Justin and Dante appear, helping to drag her down the alleyway.Matilda screams, her body thrashing in their grips.

I rip cloth from my dress, placing it over Branson’s wound with both of my hands. He looks up at me, eyes searching over every inch of my body, inspecting for damage.

“Why did you do that?” I cry out, pushing down harder to stop the flow of blood, but more keeps spilling around my fingers.

“I told you I’d always protect you,” he rasps out, pain painting every inch of his face.

“It would be my luck you’d get shot before I could tell you I forgive you.” I hiccup, tears dropping from my face and splashing onto his cheek.

“Don’t forgive me out of pity. Don’t forgive me because you think I’m going to die.” He grunts.

“You idiot.” I wipe away tears, hands going back to the wound. “I’m not forgiving you because I think you’re going to die. I’m forgiving you because I know everything. The random blankets and new shoes that appeared on the bench next to me. The new jackets, and backpacks full of food. Jeff. I know all of it. You protected me before I even knew you existed. And if you die on me, so help me God, Branson. Don’t you dare fucking die on me.”

He cups my cheeks, wincing as he does. “I want to hear you say it,” he rasps.

“Say what?” I sniff, looking deep into his eyes, hoping he sees every emotion I feel for him.

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