Page 62 of Fabricated

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@BransonLexington: “I’d give up everything if you’d just forgive me.”


I swing my fist, Tucker ducks, bouncing around on his feet, dancing around me in the ring. I raise my hands, taking another swing and hitting him in the nose.

“Fuck,” he growls, throwing his gloves to the ground, clutching his nose, blood seeping through his fingers. “You want to talk about it instead of beating me up? My face and ego would appreciate it.”

I grunt, throwing my gloves down and sinking to the mat. Tucker sits beside me, and a trainer comes over to check out his nose.

“It’s not broken, just swollen. Keep this ice pack on it and take some medicine. It should be fine in a couple of days,” the trainer says, patting Tucker on the shoulder.

“You’re lucky you didn’t ruin my nose, Lexington. I have this face insured.” I huff out a laugh. I want to feel bad, but I don’t. Nothing can top the guilt that chews away at my soul daily, leaving me all but a shell. “Now, this is about Rayne, obviously. What’s up? She won’t take your bitch ass back?”

I sigh. “No.”

“You did some fucked-up shit, but you know, girls like big gestures.”

I raise an eyebrow at him. “What?” I may have rocked him a little too hard.

“You know, white horses and shit?” I shake my head. “You never watched any romantic movies? You know, the guy messes up, he shows up making a big declaration of love, and then,” he snaps his fingers, “he gets the girl, every single time. No? You’re fucking hopeless, dude.”

“Rayne and I are not love story material. What we have is toxic, twisted, and fucking raw. I doubt some big declaration is going to work.”

Tucker sighs, smoothing his hair back. “Listen, you fucked up bad. Not to mention, you set her folder on fucking fire. Does she still not know about that?”

I wince, shaking my head. If she found out who her parents were, then it would have messed up everything. I was ordered to burn it. The walls had ears and Tucker knows that. I have no clue what the fuck he was thinking going through with getting it for her like that.

“Thanks,” I deadpan.

“Hold your fucking panties, Lexington. You fucked up bad,” he repeats. I glare, and he smirks. “But I’ve seen the way she looks at you. Like she can’t breathe without you next to her. As if you are her moon to her sun. As if she ends and begins with you. She grew up different from us. You know that; you watched it. And I watched you as it ate away at you piece by piece. Every time you begged to bring her home, every day you came to school with dark circles under your eyes from lack of sleep as you tried to protect her. She’ll come around. You’re going to have to be vulnerable. Instead of breathing with her, you need to drown with her.”

I take in his words, let them sink in. I know I should listen to him, but instead of telling him that, I say, “Don’t quit your day job, Tucker. Motivational speaking is not for you.”

He laughs, pushing at my shoulder. “Bastard.”

* * *


My short black dress wraps around my hips and my heels click down the silent hallway. Arriving at the cave, I avoid looking at the altar. I do not need to break, to sink into my mind, not today. I arrive in the room where my life changed, The Children of Nobility members sit on the couches as I walk over to the chair next to the desk my grandfather sits at. He nods, fluffing his dark gray suit jacket.

Taking a seat, I look around, stopping at the demonic eyes that lure me in. Sweeping my eyes over him, I fight the urge to lick my lips, begging my pulse to remain calm, and the butterflies to stay caged. He is every dark desire wrapped in a sinful suit tailored to his perfectly sculpted body. He smirks, I roll my eyes, focusing on my grandfather. He rises and the chatter ceases.

“As many of you know, I’m getting old, and the time for retirement is long past due.” Matilda’s posture perks up, an evil smile fighting her lips. “As I step down, it is my duty and honor to present to you your next leader.” Matilda rises to her heel-clad feet. “My granddaughter, Rayne Everlynn Prescott, blood of the firstborn family.”

Matilda’s face grows red, and she opens her mouth, but Rowan yanks her down. I stand on surprisingly stable legs. “May she lead us to greatness.” My grandfather salutes and the rest follow, shock sculpting their features.

“Thank you. Now I know this may come as a shock to all of you, but, well… I do not honestly care. Things are about to change, and you will fall in line, or…” I trail off. The treat is valid. They know all too well. “We’ll start with your sex clubs. Those days are over. You will now be donating those resources and it will be used to help support organizations that help sex traffic victims. It will be used to fund the FBI working in human slave trade, children’s hunger programs, and foster children.”

I look over to my grandfather and he nods for me to continue. “Also, your religious cult bullshit? Done. You may still pray to your gods or whatever, but you will not be sacrificing the brainwashed humans you raised in this society in the woods. That’s right, I know all about it and I want the people released immediately. You may still practice your religion, but you will sacrifice goats, cows, sheep, I don’t really give a damn as long as it’s not humans.”

Everyone sat down is stunned, the younger generation’s faces covered in relief, and Branson? He smiles with pride as a dark promise lingers in his eyes. I don’t know why I look to him for approval, but I find it. Just like I knew I would.

We are twisted and wrong, the cards against us, but we… We work in our own way. And no one has to get it but us.

Matilda hisses, “You little bitch. You think you can come in here and change everything you do not understand. We have a right to a vote.”

I smile, looking around. “Does anyone object?” Hands shoot up and I laugh. “I honestly don't care. My word is law.”

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