Page 84 of But First, Whiskey

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“Got it. I’ve been dragging my feet on finding an apartment anyway and Dylan is ready to knock me out. He’ll be excited if he gets a couple of free weekends out of this.”

“Then I’d better go pack for me and Marigold,” Faith said.

She touched my arm lightly and smiled at me as she walked past me and jogged up the stairs.

“Want to talk about that?” Cash asked me, tilting his head toward his sister.


“Good. Me either.”

I was off the hook for now.

Or not.

Cash pulled some cash out of his wallet. It was a few hundred dollars. “Hey, take this to Faith’s room and put it on her nightstand for the trip, will ya? By her phone so she sees it.”

“Sure, no problem.” I started down the hallway of the first floor. Faith’s bedroom wasn’t upstairs like the others.

Only I realized about a beat too late that I wasn’t supposed to know that.

“How do you know which room is Faith’s?” Cash asked.

I froze. “It’s the guest room, right?”

He moved toward me, suspicion all over his face. “Yeah, but how do you know where that is?”

That was a great question. I tried to play it cool. “It’s always been your guest room.”

“That you’ve never stayed in.” Cash shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. “That was you the morning after the wedding, not that bartender. Holy fucking shit.”

“I…” Had no idea what I was going to say. This had clearly been a test and I’d failed it. He’d tried to trap me and it had worked.

“Dude, don’t lie to me. Seriously.”

Truth was out. There was nothing for it but to man up. I lifted my chin, squared off my shoulders. “It was me. I’m not going to deny it.”

Cash stared at me, hard. “I should knock you the fuck out.”

“I wouldn’t blame you if you did. Nor would I stop you.” I braced myself for a punch but it didn’t come.

“Have you two been secretly dating since then?”


“Why not?” he asked.

I glanced toward the stairs, afraid Faith might appear at any second. I wasn’t comfortable talking about this where she might overhear. But I owed Cash the honesty.

“First it was me. I didn’t trust my judgment. I’ve done some stupid shit.”

“Like climbing out of my sister’s window?”

Great example. I cleared my throat and nodded. “Exactly. But then she made it clear she didn’t want to be in a relationship.”

“Has she told you that straight out? Hey, Mac, no way, it’s not happening?”

I crossed my arms, feeling defensive. “Yes. She said she wants to date but… she likes me but… she wants to spend time with mebut. There’s always a but.”

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