Page 43 of But First, Whiskey

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“You really stressed that guy out.”

“I didn’t do anything. He was just uptight.”

She opened her room and stepped inside. “I guess asking him for a toothbrush would have sent him over the edge.”

I hadn’t even thought of that. “Can I borrow some toothpaste? I’ll just use my finger.” I rubbed my temples. “And this day started out so promising with pancakes.”

“Let’s just get some sleep and we’ll start fresh tomorrow.” Faith smiled at me as she put her ice bucket down and slid a couple of bottles of water into it. “Here, you can use this blanket.” She pulled the blanket off the bed and handed it to me, along with two pillows.

Then she climbed into bed.

“Do you care if I take a shower? I was running.”

“That’s fine.”

I went into her bathroom and took a quick shower. I attempted to finger brush my teeth, then I pulled my shorts back on with no underwear. I wasn’t thrilled about putting shorts I’d been jogging in back on, but I couldn’t exactly sleep naked. I folded my shirt so I could put it back on in the morning before I went and killed my brother.

Faith had her eyes closed and the covers up to her chin. The lights were out.

Settling onto the couch, I sighed when I tried to stretch out on it. It was small and it smelled like a dumpster. To distract myself from reality, I closed my eyes and imagined Faith was naked under that comforter.

My eyes popped open again. I glanced over but I couldn’t see a damn thing.

That mental image of her bare skin wasn’t going to help me sleep so I attempted to shove it out of my head.

I tossed and I turned and then I tossed some more. I pulled the blanket on. I kicked it off. I pulled it up again, only I pulled it too far and it flung onto my face while exposing my feet. I bunched it up and tossed it back down in an arch, hoping for a clean lay.

A clean lay.

I mentally groaned. What the hell had I done to deserve this torture?

“Are you okay?” Faith sounded as wide awake as I was.

“No. I can’t sleep.” I also didn’t fit on the couch. At all. Only small children fit on this stinky ass loveseat and I hadn’t been that small since I was four.

“You should just come and sleep on the bed.”

And there was the devil tapping on my shoulder. “I really shouldn’t.”

“We’re adults. We can behave ourselves.”

That seemed ridiculously optimistic for the two of us. “Don’t tempt me.”

“I feel bad.”

“Don’t. I’m fine.” I turned toward the back of the loveseat and caught a whiff of something on the fabric so foul I reared back.

Which made me fall off of the loveseat onto the floor. “Ow, fuck.”

A big man falls hard. It sounded like a tree falling in the forest. The floor vibrated.

“MacKay!” Faith jumped up out of bed and rushed over to me. Her hair fell into my face. “Are you okay?”

I parted the blonde curtain of her hair and tucked it behind her ears. I stared up into her beautiful, caring eyes. “I fell off the couch.”

“I see that.” She pursed her lips, trying not to smile. “Come to bed.”

The devil looked like an angel.

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