Page 34 of But First, Whiskey

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“Or creepy. But at any rate, I’m glad Dylan isn’t in the car with us, because I owe you an apology, MacKay.”

“For what? Stalking me when you were thirteen? It’s okay. I think that’s normal for middle school.”

“Well, yes, that. But no, I mean for not telling you who I was at Cash and Sera’s wedding. That wasn’t fair to you. Yes, I told you my name was Faith, but that was after I told you I was on the catering staff. You didn’t have all the information when you made the decision to go behind the barn with me, and that wasn’t cool. I’m sorry.”

I reached over and squeezed her knee. “Thank you. I appreciate that. Why did you tell me you were a caterer?” I had never really understood that.

“Because I had a crush on you at thirteen.”

“You’ve lost me. Just because you were hot for your brother’s friends when you were a teenager you lied to me?”

“Not all of my brother’s friends. You. I had a crush on you.”

That took a second to sink in. “Oh. I thought you meant you had a collective crush on the whole football team. You liked me specifically?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

Now that was definitely interesting. Definitely ego boosting. It also made my next question easier to ask.

I opened my mouth to ask her out to dinner, but Faith wasn’t finished.

“I knew that if I told you the whole truth, right up front, you weren't going to be interested in me and I just really wanted to kiss my first real crush. It was selfish of me and again, I’m sorry, and that’s why I swear to you I will not flirt with you or wear anything sexy around you ever again.”

That made me blink. I felt like I’d missed the middle of that sentence. “Why is that exactly?” I asked, thoroughly confused. She was the one who hadn’t thought us hooking up was any big deal, and now she wanted to go full-on nun around me?

“Because I should have respected your friendship with Cash and your boundaries more than I did. So now I’m creating boundaries.”

That was a big pile of suck. I stared down the black tar of the road and tried to process this shitty turn of events. “Isn’t it too late for boundaries?”

Like, about six orgasms and my tongue on her pussy kind of late?

“I don’t think so. No one knows about us. If we just make sure we’re nothing but hands off from here on out, then we don’t risk any issues.”

I had no idea how to respond to that.

“I actually have more reasons than you do to keep things professional between us,” Faith added.

“How do you figure?”

“What do you mean, how do I figure? You’d be risking my brother’s friendship but I’d be risking my brother being mad at meandlosing my job.”

Now I was really confused. “But I’m your boss. Why would I fire you?”

“Maybe you wouldn’t, but your brothers could. I don’t want to ruin my career before it’s gotten started.”

I was searching for an argument to persuade her it wasn’t necessary to create boundaries with me, but I was coming up empty. This was what I had wanted initially. This was why I hadn’t texted her for two months, despite spending countless nights reliving the memory of her hot wet body.

Grimacing a little as my foot twinged, I eased off the gas to flex it. “I understand. I want you to have a successful career.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I owe you an apology as well. I shouldn’t have asked for you to meet me in your room. I knew full well what could happen and that was me being selfish.”

“Apology accepted. I guess the truth is we were both attracted to each other.”

“Very much so. I’m glad I was able to jump out of the window before Cash came in.”

Faith laughed. “It wasn’t funny at the time, but you have to admit, it’s kind of hilarious.”

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