Page 31 of My Sinful Valentine

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“She already did when she gave me a recording of Jadiel and his father discussing her, a whore they frequently used to entertain themselves and guests, and then their plans.”

“Okay.” I nod, my eyes quickly shifting to a guard. “Find her a chair and get her something to drink.”

Jadiel spits at the ground as soon as the last word leaves my lips, his breathing harsh as he stares down his wife with so much hatred. This is who he is. The dynamic between the two is unfolding within a few simple words. It’s all in the way she flinches—the nervous wringing of hands and the way she looks down.

This is how my mother would act when...

How did we miss this? Or did Thiago know?

“That puta doesn’t deserve—”

“Silence.” Thiago’s tone is enough for him to remember his place and lower his head, but not before glaring at Andy and then Belinda one last time. Jadiel’s hands are clenching open and closed in front of him, his head shaking from side to side. His body language is one of rising rage, but it’s his muttering a few seconds later that catches our attention. Especially once Belinda is given a small chair and bottle of Coke. “Louder. Let everyone here hear you.” Jadiel’s lips quit moving, but I notice the slight leaning toward the man beside him. How his muscles coil. “Final warning. Don’t make me repeat myself.”

“She cheated!” Mr. Rojas yells out in rage and tackles Andres, banging his head on the asphalt hard. It bounces, the sound reverberating through those present, and Andy stiffens. Knocked out and unable to defend himself, Rojas continues to attack the unconscious man until blood pools beneath his head.

And then he chokes him. Without honor. Without letting Andres fight back.

It’s over within minutes. Very anticlimactic, and Ivan and Thiago wait for him to fall beside Cruz, breathing hard and now choking on a sob. Reality is smacking him in the face while humiliation cloaks his features.

“Very few men are able to take a life, Jadiel.” Thiago releases my hand and walks over to a guard holding a gun on a tray. My husband picks it up, checks the magazine, and then walks back to the two bodies on the ground.

One dead. One alive.

“She cheated.”

“And you’ve done worse.” Without pause, he puts a bullet between Andy’s dead eyes and then points it at Jadiel. “You played a dangerous game by trying to cross me. You put yourself in this position when you thought to harm a single hair on my wife’s head.” Kneeling, Thiago presses the muzzle against his lips, rubbing the tip against them and pushing it deep enough that Rojas gags. “You hurt those around you. You lied and stole.” Tilting his head, he tsks. “Here’s a life lesson for you that is useless now, but if there is a next life, I suggest you carry it with you.”

Jadiel makes a gurgling sound while his wife whimpers. “Can I please leave? This is—”

“Necessary,” I answer for him and pin her with a cold stare. “Not another word.”

“Thank you, Beauty.” He looks back at me and winks before returning to the crying man. “Remember this, Mr. Rojas. Remember that unless you’re willing to look a man in the eye and pull the trigger without remorse, this is not the path you should ever choose. Because time and time again, you’ll find yourself staring at the barrel being held by a killer without a conscience. Just like I haven’t, they won’t hesitate to kill you, your father, and everyone you love. I enjoy my kills while you cry. I enjoyed slitting Don Rojas’s throat while you met with the Cruz family a few days ago.”


“Scared little boys have no place in my kingdom.” And then he pulls the trigger, emptying every bullet inside the body of Jadiel while his now widow covers her eyes and cries. The sound of the gun dropping on the ground is loud, and every person standing in attendance makes the sign of the cross before guards remove the bodies and another group assists in bringing in a large hose to clean off any remains of the two. They don’t start until we leave, and I know why my husband is pausing and raising a brow at me.

Her life is my call. He’s trusting me to do what is right.

“Leave, and don’t come back.” His nod of approval isn’t needed, but I love knowing that he agrees and respects my decision. “Not to Miami. Not to Cuba.” Belinda stops breathing for a few seconds. She’s looking at me now with a mixture of relief and deep sorrow. My mercy isn’t because of her abused past, because while her now-dead husband hurt her, she planned on helping someone else eliminate mine, and that still stings. No, my leniency is because my conscience will be clear if she steps a single foot out of line. Because I will be the one to end her life. “You are not welcome where we are, and if you ever, ever cross my path again, I won’t hesitate to put a bullet between your eyes. Understood?”


“Then run, and don’t look back. Find your way home, Belinda.” Taking a few steps back, I give the signal to the guard with the hose to escort her out first. “Don’t make me regret this decision.”

“Thank you. I swear I’ll—”

“You have five minutes to get off this compound.” She runs off then and does as I ask, leaving with an amused guard showing her the way. These three have caused enough issues, and I’m over it. I need us to relax and celebrate. To let loose without anything or any pressing matters to attend to for a few days. “Now, who’s hungry because I could use a margarita and a grilled chicken platter. The scent of food has been driving me crazy since we exited the plane.”

The family laughs while Maritza walks over and gives us a kiss. And then she winks because the woman has one thing on the mind...grandchildren. “So, you think this time I’ll get a bebe or beba?



“Who knows. At least I stopped taking my contraceptives.” Her squeal at my words is loud and the men all raise a brow, but it’s Thiago’s smirk that I focus on. It’s his swagger as he walks over and steals me away, telling them all to head inside, that makes me shiver.

I want him...
