Page 21 of My Sinful Valentine

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“Tell me.”

“Get clothes and meet me at Dad’s. Change in plans.”

“What’s wrong?” There’s movement from her end, the rustling of sheets and then running water. She probably ran to the bathroom. “Are you…?”

“I’m fine, but your best friend isn’t.”

“Aliana? What the hell does—”

“She’s involved with some crazy shit and kissing the bloody hell out of Callum as we speak.”



Luna’s asleep before my private plane takes off; she’s cuddled in her giant, fluffy blanket like a burrito with her head peeking out and a sleep mask covering her eyes from my view. There’s no recognition of awareness or even a stir as we taxi down the runway, nothing as I run a finger down her soft cheek and just watch her.

But then again, I do this a lot. Every day. Every moment in her presence.

I sit and stare and thank whoever upstairs decided that our paths should cross.

Because my Luna is more than my wife. She’s the other half of my soul and my moral compass.

“Sir, the captain has given the approval for you to move if you wish.” The stewardess doesn’t wait for my acknowledgment. Instead, she turns toward the area up front where the staff has been told to stay. The plane ride to our destination is just about two hours long, and she’ll need her rest for once we arrive; there won’t be a single moment where her body and mine aren’t connected.

I’m going to lick and eat and fuck my little beauty. My love will be embedded into her DNA like an invisible tattoo—permanent and beautiful by the time we leave.

“Let’s get you comfortable,” I whisper into her ear, and even while under the influence of the sleeping meds, she turns her face to my neck, cuddling into the crook and letting out a soft sigh. Motherfuck, the simple move causes me to jerk harshly behind the zipper of my shorts and for a low growl to leave my lips.

Everything she does turns me on.

Her breathing is coquettish. Her giggles are foreplay.

Carefully, I walk us to the back of the plane and inside our bedroom, laying her on the silk sheets and then unraveling her fluffy blanket. Her burrito status doesn’t leave me room to touch, and that’s unacceptable. She can cuddle the thing but never block me, and that was our compromise.

I move to her dresser and grab a bottle of water, twisting the cap and taking three deep pulls. Immediately, there’s a small scrunching of her brows, a bit of unease at our small separation. However, once I sit to her right, my girl calms.

Her need makes me feel ten motherfucking feet tall. Like a king.

“I love you,” I lean down and whisper into her ear, kissing the sweet skin of her neck. I know she’s been worried lately, that she didn’t sleep last night, and it’s why I’m okay with her taking something to sleep now. The changes in our organization haven’t been the easiest to adjust to—the imminent move Ivan will make and a few others too weigh heavily on her mind.

Luna likes having the family close. She enjoys the impromptu visits and Sunday dinners her family never had, but in mine are part of the De Leon religion.

And while I find the trait adorable and I indulge all her wants, the next forty-eight hours are about us.

My wife thinks we’re spending our first Valentine’s Day as a married couple with our loved ones, a large celebration to make memories, but not yet. We need these next few days.

In our relationship, we come first. It’s always her and me.

Against the world and whatever life throws our way, my devotion and happiness always lie with her.

Our family will wait. They know and approve of my plans to kidnap my queen.

So, while she slumbers peacefully, I sit back and pick up a file that’s been waiting for me. While she lets out a low snore and drools a bit, something I find cute, I make the final decision on those being held by Ivan.

Because our moves in Cuba have brought forth both an enemy and fake allies. Two men and a woman who want the same and all wish to fool me and mine by using a different tactic.

My eyes scan the first sheet, and I take in the important facts:
