Page 10 of My Sinful Valentine

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“Only you would thank me for killing someone.” The amusement dies as soon as he’s finished speaking. Hard eyes demand answers. “Why didn’t you come to me, Twirl? What if they—”

Lowering my face down to his, I peck his lips while dodging his attempt to deepen the kiss. He’s no longer serious, but a smidge annoyed with how easy I calm him. “Mr. Asher, we both know you wouldn’t let a fly touch me.”

“No. I wouldn’t.”

“So I was never in any danger, my prince charming.”

“I’m more beast than prince, Twirl. We’ve discussed this.”

“And yet, I call bullshit.” There’s a soft knock on the door and I sit up, my slickness rubbing his shaft at the abrupt move. His hands grip me, hold me in place when I try to stand. “Umm, I need to get that.”

“Later, Mrs. Asher. You have some more—”

“Malcolm, I’m starving.” Whatever he sees on my face suddenly makes him laugh. It’s loud and shakes us both, creating friction that’s making me lose my train of thought. “Or maybe after we—”

“Let’s go feed you two.”

“You’re going to be an amazing father, babe.” The soft expression on his face melts me; it’s boyish and sweet and I can’t control the need to kiss him. But I do, slow and without the usual frenzy that consumes us. Instead, I savor his taste and the feel of his skin on mine.

No rush. Just soft pecks and sweet caresses until my stomach rumbles, leaving me embarrassed and him smirking.

“What are you hungry for?”

“Italian beef, dry and—”

“Portillo’s, Twirl? That’s your craving?”

“I’d kill anyone for those fries with cheese sauce and a chocolate cake shake. Gimme!”

“If that’s what my girl wants, then that’s what she gets.” Malcolm, throws his legs over the edge of the bed and stands, walking straight for his phone. “I’ll send Carmelo to—”

“Not needed. That should be the food outside now. Gina picked up the order and was asked to leave it outside the door on a rolling cart.”

“You had this all planned out, didn’t you?”

“Guilty.” Widening my eyes, I pucker my lips and fight back the slick grin threatening to cross my face. “Besides, we don’t have time for round two, eat, and be at the airport in another three hours without some snooping of my own, Husband.”

“I’ve taught you well.”

“I’m a quick learner.”

I’m walking toward the love of my life forty-eight hours later, the warm sand beneath my toes grounding me, helping keep my emotions under control as our eyes meet.

Always hungry green to my needy blue.

Always full of love.

Always us.

He’s standing near the shoreline in a simple pair of white linen pants with no shirt, his sun-kissed muscles on display while it’s his smile that warms me.

Malcolm Asher is waiting for me just like last time, except there’s no one playing the piano and no family and friends surrounding us. It’s just us renewing our vows surrounded by nature and a man dressed as a priest with a Bible in his hand.

My hands shake the closer I get, the soft fabric of my light pink maxi dress dragging along the hot sand. The simple outfit was my choice, a little number I picked up during our weekend trip to Mexico a few months back but never got the chance to wear it.

He likes it, though. I can see the appreciation on his face as he takes in my bare face except for the lip gloss on my lips. I feel it as his eyes sweep down the column of my throat, the swell of my breasts, and then the shape of my hips right before the dress flares out a bit.

A soft breeze envelops us the moment I take his outstretched hand. It sweeps across his dark hair and a strand falls over his eye.
