Page 9 of Yours

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My body. My mind.

I want her to burn me alive.

Keeping those thoughts to myself, I hold his stare. He might be the boss in Chicago, dominate the global market of finances, but I’m not some peon or low-level thug who came begging for a job off the streets. I’ll give respect but demand it just the same.

It’s the only way this agreement will work. I’d hate to hurt him or anyone in Mariah’s family.

“First, she’s a grown woman and makes up her own mind. Head of your family or not, I won’t allow you to take choices away from her.”

“And second?” There’s less hostility in his tone, and my stance relaxes a bit.

“She undid me.” I’m not going to beat around the bush or deny it. “Simple as that.”

For a few beats of the clock, we remain quiet. Each holding the other’s gaze. Our weapons are drawn.

“That honesty could get you in trouble.”

“I’m not afraid.”

“And it’s the only reason I’ll concede to your request.” Malcolm places his gun atop the desk, and I do the same. “Welcome to the Asher family, Javier.”

“Gracias.” I extend a hand and he takes it, giving it a hard squeeze.

“You hurt her, and I’ll kill you.”

“I hurt her, and I can guarantee she’ll pull the trigger herself.” At my words he throws his head back and laughs, shaking his head while picking up his gun and mine, handing over the latter. “Smart man.”

“Now, where do I sign?”

“Your word suffices, but I do believe you’re owed a signing bonus.”




So much trouble since the moment he walked onto my floor and knocked the very breath from my lungs. My palms are sweaty, and my chest feels tight. My knees feel weak, and the delicate slip of lace covering my mound has been rendered useless.

And all because of one man. A very self-assured and dangerous man.

“Christ, Mariah. Get ahold of yourself,” I mumble under my breath, hand on the wall beside the elevator shaft after pressing the down button. For the next two hours, this floor will be closed to all foot traffic while they talk, and we await orders inside of a hidden room beneath the building where a selected few meet their fate.

The good.

The bad.

Their end.

The sound of his voice caresses my skin while the sound of footfalls over the marble floor follows. It’s faint—melodic—and I shiver. Goose bumps break out across my skin while I lean my head on the wall and close my eyes.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Never show weakness.

It’s the mantra I’ve been reciting since the day I learned who my family is. What they are—what I’m capable of without remorse.

However, thinking and doing it are two very different things because I’ve never been affected by a man like this. Not even by him.

I’ve never felt the rush of excitement or the lick of heat settle low in my abdomen with such ferocity from his mere presence.
