Page 78 of Yours

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He’s gripping my right thigh with one hand and palming the back of my neck with the other. Dominating my senses. Controlling and pulling moans from deep within my chest.

I don’t know how long we stand there kissing and don’t care. Either way, this is what I’ve been missing. That is until we hear the click of a gun and freeze.

“Isn’t this sweet,” a voice says from behind him, and a quick flash of fear runs through me. Mildred tsks when we don’t disengage and turn to face her, but I feel the gun in Javi’s jacket and finger the cold metal, gripping it tight right before he turns.

His back is against my front, his muscles coiled tight. “Leave, Ms. Frederick. Killing so soon after being gone so long isn’t on my agenda for the day.”

“Step aside.”

“Last warning.”

“Why do you defend the whore?” she spits out, and I take in her appearance. The hell happened to her? Mildred is dressed all in black and her lip is busted, a large bruise forming at her jaw. “It’s because of her that I’ve lost it all.”

“I thought you were pulling my strings. That I’d be the one to lose it all?”

“You took him from me.” Tears fall and leave mascaraed tracks down her cheeks while her hand shakes. She looks unstable. “Had you kept out of my business—had you left Lane alone—I’d be a happy bride right now with a kid on the way. Instead, I’m alone on our anniversary and you’ll end up dead by my hands.”

“You mean, with you going to jail?”

“With your father burying his child.” Something about the way she says father catches my attention. It’s full of hurt and bitterness.

“Did he leave you? Is that why you’re pulling the dramatic act?” Antagonizing her isn’t ideal, but right now I’m seeing red. Seething at this bitch for interrupting our sweet reunion and I step from behind my love, standing shoulder to shoulder while keeping his Glock out of sight. “Or is he sleeping with someone else?”

Fury flashes in her eyes, but she tamps it down with a fake smile. “I’m going to enjoy killing you, and then I’ll end your mother.”

“Mildred, this is your final chance. Walk.” Javi reaches for my hand, trying to grip the gun. She’s too busy glaring to see the exchange, but he doesn’t miss the way I hold on tighter. This kill is mine; I’m not backing down.

“I want her dead,” Mildred sneers and lifts her shaking hand with the barrel pointing at my head.

“The feeling is mutual.” Still, I hold my ground without showing my weapon. Showing your hand before it’s time can be a costly mistake. “But I’m going to give you the opportunity I never offered Lane. Walk, run...leave Chicago and never come back.”

The mention of his name cuts her deep; I’ve come to understand within the last few weeks that she did love him, just had a shitty way of showing it.

“Fuck you,” she screeches and the gun in her hand goes off, the bullet aimed at me while I return fire with a quick flick of my wrist. It all happens so fast. One second she’s standing, while the next, her vacant eyes watch us with three bullet holes decorating her head.

“I keep warning people that my shot is better than most.” Her discharge never touched me and I smile, until I look over and catch the sight of red on Javier’s shirt and the sudden buckling of his knees. “Baby?”

“I love you,” he whispers, and my world stops. This can’t be fucking happening.

“Look at me,” I yell out as footsteps approach and then surround us. They’re barking out orders and closing the garage down, and while I’m somewhat aware of Malcolm’s voice through a phone’s speaker, I don’t react. My sole focus is on the man gritting his teeth as the stain grows. “Javier, baby...focus on me.”

“I love you.” He slumps back and I help him against my car, cradling his head as paramedics arrive with the police close behind. They load him on a stretcher and I try to follow, but with me being the shooter, one of the officers arrested me without questioning or watching the video recording.

Javier is taken to the closest hospital.

I’m being taken to the nearest precinct.

God, please let him be okay. Please don’t take him from me.



I HAVEN’T FULLY stepped inside the precinct when I catch sight of a man I know and well. His eyes meet mine and they widen, then narrow on the man beside me walking as if he’s made the bust of the century.

“What’s the meaning of this!” Captain Hall bellows and all movement inside ceases; the man he’s talking to also turns to look and grimaces at the image of my tears and the handcuffs on my wrists. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Captain, we answered a call for help at the garage for Asher Holdings,” Officer Millstone answers, his chest puffing out with pride. He’s young. Too eager. Moron. I’m seething in these cuffs, but I keep my composure. The faster we get things cleared up, the faster I can get to Javi. “Shots were fired as reported, and we discovered a deceased female upon arrival. There was also a wounded man nearby who’s been taken to Northwestern Medical. She—”
