Page 73 of Yours

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There are four cars parked outside, but not all seem occupied as the drivers begin to step out.

“What the hell is going on?” I ask, and on his end of the line, Malcolm’s gone silent so I can understand my cousins.

“Three bodies inside.” Alejandro takes a sip from his water, eyeing the screen.

“What’s the fastest ETA?” I ask them while the man behind the wheel of a black Hummer gets down, his eyes darting around. Moreover, it’s when he knocks on the door that the camera angle changes. This is a live feed from a front-door transmission, and I smile.

We have the shooter on the screen.

Then the enabler opens the door.

And I hear the clear voice of the General coming up from behind my mother’s killer.

Alejandro hums, fingers typing on his phone. “Taking back roads and avoiding the expressway, I say twenty minutes at the most.”

“Suit up.” They nod at my command and empty the room, going in search of what we’ll need for this. We won’t take security or have these three picked up; I’ll take my pound of flesh without pause the second I enter that home.

“My guess is you’re heading out to play a game of catch?” Malcolm chuckles, and the clink of a glass follows the question. “Alone or with a team?”

“Absolutely, Asher. It’s my favorite pastime. My cousins enjoy it as well.”

He chuckles and then sighs. “Be careful and keep a cool head.”

“Always.” I know he’s not being intrusive or trying to tell me how to handle myself. I’ve gotten to know him on a personal level while here; our phone calls and worry over Mariah has created a bond that we both appreciate. He’s family to me. He cares about everyone who bears my last name since I signed the contract, but more so since my mother’s passing. “Besides, I can’t give your cousin a reason to shoot me. I’m planning to grow old and grey with her.”


“What? No warnings to slow down and—”

“Come home and marry the woman, Javi. She’s not letting you go.”

“And I was never leaving. I’ll text you later.” With that, I hang up and pull up her contact.

I love you with all my heart, Muñeca. I’ll be home soon. ~Javi

The gate to the community has two armed guards standing out front and they’re busy talking when we pull up. They’re laughing, the one to the left throwing a punch to the arm of his friend after a joke, and completely oblivious of the three men stepping out of their cars until Alejandro slams the door.

Then two sets of eyes are on us, weapons pointing our way. “Who are you? This is private property and—” Two bullets and they hit the ground, a hole in each forehead. The silencer from my gun doesn’t make much noise, and the hard cement cradles the impact of their corpses.

“Right or left?” Emiliano asks, and I tilt my head toward the right, following the sound of Vallenato playing loudly. The beat pulses as the male singer declares his love for a woman who he’s never so much as kissed, while the off-key voice of a heavy smoker follows.

The sound of splashing water comes from a home three down from where we stand, and it’s quickly followed by laughter. Female giggles and male chuckles as someone shrieks. And begs.

“Please stop this! I don’t want to get in!”

“Don’t be such a spoilsport, Luisa.” It’s one of the men, his speech a bit slurred. “It’s just water. Nothing will happen to your hair.”

“Take me home.”


We share a look before taking account of the car with two guards sitting inside. This old, black beater wasn’t in the video earlier, but I recognize the uniform and its military. They’re young, more than likely just following orders, but it doesn’t stop Alejandro from killing the two with a single shot that travels from one head to the other, a straight shot through the ear.

Their heads slump forward, and I nod, impressed. “Nice one.”

“I’m an environmentalist.” He shrugs, and I chuckle. Asshole.

“Front door or back?” Emiliano asks, and I point toward the main entrance. And we find it unlocked when entering the home a few minutes later. The music is louder from here and the place is trashed, dirty, but the men seem to be enjoying themselves.
