Page 7 of Yours

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But I’m not. Never will be.

“Is there a problem here between you and my cousin, Mr. Lucas?”

Cousin? She’s his cousin? I’m better than to miss an important fact like this.

For the first time in my life, I’m speechless—a bit embarrassed—and all I can manage is a shake of my head, and yet, pulling my attention away from her is impossible. The jealousy that burns through me like molten acid unnerves me, but at the same time, excites me. It’s shaken me, and by the coquettish look in those beautiful orbs, Mariah knows this.

Finds my reaction amusing. Motherfucking dangerous.

“Mr. Lucas seems to take his formalities extremely serious, Malcolm. Cut him some slack. It might be a cultural thing.” My eyes narrow at her words, but her cousin merely chuckles to my right where he seems to be taking in my fumble.

“Is that so, Javier?”

“Not at all.” I flick my attention in his direction for ten seconds—moments where I take in the familial resemblance and smirk—before meeting Mariah’s challenge head-on. “I’ve just been caught off guard by your cousin’s beauty. That’s all.”

“I am spectacular, cousin,” she says, and then fucks me in a way that tests my control. I’m left hanging by a very thin thread and every muscle in my body tenses, coils when her delicate fingers land on my chest while closing the distance between us. There’s playfulness in her words while her body language teases. “Can’t fault the man for having impeccable taste.”

“You are trouble.”

“And I think you like challenges.” With that she walks past me, leaving me in the open room with the man I came to work for and a hard cock.


“Is not affiliated with my family.” Malcolm gives my shoulder a quick squeeze before turning toward his office, and I follow, walking through and taking a seat on the other side of his desk. And while I try to gather my thoughts and explain my behavior, Asher walks over to a small bar on the back wall and pours a few fingers’ worth of clear liquid into two glasses.

He hands one to me and I immediately bring it to my lips, taking in the floral with a hint of citrus notes in the gin. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” His first sip is slow, and I expect the narrowing of his eyes when he swallows. Once, twice…on the third, Malcolm tosses back the spirit and walks around to his chair, taking a seat with the Chicago skyline as his backdrop. “Now, tell me why I shouldn’t shoot you.”

“That’s the second time within thirty minutes someone in your family has threatened to do so.”

“And we won’t hesitate, either.”

“Neither will I.”

Malcolm doesn’t react as one would expect with my threat. No. Not at all.

Instead, his smile widens and his narrowed eyes crinkle at the corner from amusement. “You’ve got balls, Javier. More than you should for a man outside of his country.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? Outside of my country?”

“Simply put?”

“Speak your mind, but I will do the same.”

He’s smirking, not a single thread of fear. “This isn’t territory the Lucas family controls, nor is this a diplomacy. I hired you because I know you’re the best and will be an asset to me.”

“An asset?” Because my understanding is that I’d be in charge of his security for the next twelve months with a payout well over three million American dollars. I’m here to shape his guards and implement what I’ve done back home. “Explain yourself, Asher.”

“I’ve done my homework.”

“That makes two of us.”

“Then you know I put out the call after the job you did for a client. News travels fast, and I’m not an easy man to impress.” Placing the glass down, he rubs his chin. Dissecting me. Waiting for me to ask a question that will never leave my lips. I’m not a man who worries about the whys or maybes. Instead, I match his composure and wait.

And wait.

His patience matches mine and, in this game, neither is willing to bend. I know why he wanted me and why the call came, but the change in negotiation came much sooner than I expected.
