Page 65 of Yours

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“Help with what?”

“I want the bloodied bodies of those responsible at your feet.”

His laughter shakes us both while fingers explore across my chest and down, not stopping until removing his leg and slipping a finger beneath the edge of my panties. “You can always sleep for a bit in the car. We have about a three-hour car ride from here to my surprise.”

“A surprise?” I whimper out when he slides down to just above my clit, tapping the sensitive area to the beat of a song only he knows the notes to. “Where are we—”

“No questions.” This time he slaps my flesh with three fingers, his hand stretching the delicate lace. “I want you to nod and give me a kiss before getting ready with the clothes I left out for you yesterday.” Lips just below my ear, he nips the skin there and then soothes the sting with a flick of his tongue. “Can you do that for me, Ms. Asher?”

“Yes.” I’m rewarded with tight circles on my clit. They range from soft to rough—a vicious cycle that brings me to the edge sooner than I thought possible. Just the tip of two fingers are touching me, circling the throbbing bundle of nerves while his mouth attacks my neck with bites and licks.

I’m moaning for him. Fighting to turn around and kiss him—touch him—but his hold on me doesn’t allow anything but his control. One of his hands is on my hip while the other strums my clit, I’m powerless, unable to do more than cry out in pleasure each time he brings me to the edge.

“You’re perfect for me, Mariah,” he groans against my neck, his breathing harsh and cock hard against my backside. “Mine.”

“Javi,” I mewl on a breathless whisper, clinging to his forearm as the first wave of bliss knocks into me. For a second or two, I can’t breathe and cling to him, undulating as he wrings every last drop of pleasure and then when there’s nothing left, Javi dips below and pumps his fingers inside me twice.

They’re glistening when he brings them to his lips, inhaling deep before sucking each until no trace of my wetness is left. “Fuck, baby girl. So sweet.” My core clenches and he grips my chin with the same fingers, turning my face toward his. I smell myself on his lips and fingers. I can feel a small trail of wetness on my ass just above where the head of his cock flexes. “I’m going to enjoy you today, Mariah. All of you, before you leave tomorrow.”

“Please.” It’s all I can manage past the sudden dryness of my mouth, the heat of my skin.

“Good girl.” Another clench and he smiles as if he knows my body is crying out for him. To feel him buried deep. “Now, go get dressed for me, and no panties. I want access to your body all day.”



“WE’RE HERE, MARIAH,” I say, softly stroking her cheek while the beautiful girl beside me stirs, arching her back while beginning to stretch. My eyes roam down her body, admiring her every curve and dip displayed in the simple cotton dress I’ve put her in.

It’s soft against her skin; a light pink number with small pearl buttons down the middle of her chest flares a bit at her hips and ends just above her mid-thighs. And she wears the simplicity so well.

The two stiff points adorned by the nipple shield—I can make out the jeweled circular ring around each tip and my mouth waters. I also can’t stop myself and lower my hand from her face, brushing my knuckles down the right and then left breast, smiling when she sighs and those seafoam eyes open.

She’s looking at me with hunger. Mirroring my need.

“Where are we?” Her voice is husky, tinged with the last dregs of sleep. Warm eyes look around and her head tilts, wondering why we’re out in the middle of nowhere with a large waterfall behind us that crests over a large lake. There’s also a modest home, not lacking in luxury but the size is meant for intimacy and not hosting people.

It’s a place I come when needing to regroup. To calm the raging ire that at times consumes me, but today, I’m here to share it with her. To show her more of who I am.

“This place belongs to me.”

“Really?” Her question isn’t because she doubts the money I have, but more of why the seclusion. “Are you here to kill me and dump the body?” Mariah lets out a cute giggle, the movement causing her breasts to jiggle and my knuckles to press a little harder over each tip.

Her laugh turns into a moan; the sound sends a shiver down my spine. Makes my cock throb.

“I’m here to eat you, Muñeca.”

“Should I be afraid?”

“For my sanity? Absolutely.” With a single sharp slap over her right tit, I cup her face and bring her closer, almost touching my lips before I stand, and just like I knew she would, Mariah follows. I’m barely touching her, but she’s following my body further away from the car, walking closer and closer to the water’s edge.

A mist greets our legs and I pause, groaning when her body doesn’t stop. Instead, my beauty presses the length of her short frame against my harsher planes and then rises onto the tips of her toes, lips right where they belong.

On mine. Touching. Licking the seam when I don’t part them for her.

“Kiss me.”

“No.” Fire flashes in her orbs, the challenge I’ve needed making itself present. And I push. Yank the proverbial chain of her pleasure with my denial. “We’re here to have lunch and nothing more.”
