Page 56 of Yours

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“You don’t know—”

“Mariah, I am nothing if not prepared.” I cut another piece of the scallop and offer it to her which she takes, a low moan escaping at the taste. “I’ve planned this for a few days, and a little birdy informed me of your likes and dislikes. I also got her blessing.”

“Who?” The perplexed expression is adorable.

“Someone with baby pictures of you and a love for gossip.”

“You met my aunt?” A delicious blush spreads across her cheeks and lower, causing me to bite back a groan.


“Whatever she said is a lie.”

“Eat, baby girl. You have all the time in the world to prove that you’re not a closeted romantic.”

It’s ten p.m. by the time we make it back to our building, and she looks exhausted. More than, and I know things are weighing heavy on her mind—the truths being uncovered are cutting deep, but she’s not alone and I’ll gladly bear the brunt of her pain. Of her madness.

Moreover, when I told her tonight she wasn’t alone, I meant it.

The good. The bad. The insanity.

I want it all.

To help her welcome the rage I see simmering beneath the surface and embrace every emotion tearing her apart. Because if she doesn’t, it will consume her. Eat her from the inside out, and I’ll be fucked before I let that happen.

Moving to this country, I never expected to meet a woman like her. To care as deeply as I do.

But I do. This heartbroken woman I’ll put back together owns me.

Our eyes meet once I’m parked. Her gaze is questioning while mine is expectant, needing her to ask. “It’s late, Javi.”

“It is.”

“Then why don’t you use one of my parking spaces? The owner could come back and—”

“Hush.” Getting out, I come around to her side and pull her out the second the door is open. Then, we’re chest to chest and lips hovering; her scent embeds itself into my DNA while those sinful lips match my grin, a tiny coquettish smirk that says everything we don’t.

We are crazy.

She’s my person.

Insanity feels right.

Mariah leans in closer and pecks my lips once. “Are you going to walk me up or stay?”

Goose bumps arise where my fingers touch her warm skin, rubbing soothing circles on her hip where the dress she wore has a small cutout. “It’s getting harder and harder to leave each night.”

“Then don’t.”

“That’s a very tempting offer.” My fingers tighten on her hip, and she giggles. “A dangerous one.”

“I’m not afraid.”

“That word shouldn’t exist in your vocabulary.”

Mariah shrugs, her smile fading a bit. “The world is an ugly place.”

“And yet, you’re the beauty in mine.” At my words, heat rises to her cheeks, and her eyelids flutter closed. “You’re making letting you walk a near impossibility.”
