Page 48 of Yours

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“I plan to.” I’m going to use every single trick I’ve watched porn actresses do. Gripping the bottom of his shirt, I rip the buttons off and leave the two sides open, exposing my perky breasts to his eyes. The piercings glint in the room’s low lighting, my chest heaving as I put half his length back into my mouth and hollow my cheeks. I bob my head while my hands wander my body, from my collarbone to the edge of my mound and back again, pausing to cup a tit in each hand.

I squeeze them, and he grunts.

I pull the piercings, tugging hard enough to make me groan around his length, and a curse bellows from him.

“Son of a bitch, Muñeca. God, baby…just a little deeper.” He’s shaking, body fighting to grab me and take, but he needs that extra push. “Open that sweet little throat for me.”

A large part of me wants to do just that, but I don’t. Instead, I slow down and pull off, keeping just the head between my lips while I pinch a nipple and bring the other hand between my thighs. I also slide closer and lean back, the tip of his shoe sitting just below my pussy.

I’m hot and swollen. Soaked, and as I slip a finger through my soft lips, his hand fists my hair and tips my head back. Angry eyes meet my excited ones, and his lip curls up into a sneer. “That wasn’t nice, linda.”

“Are you going to punish me?”


“Then what?”

“I’m going to watch you come as I use your pretty little mouth.” Pulling away, he bends at the waist and gives me a kiss that curls my toes and sets my blood on fire. It’s fast and perfectly messy, but it’s over too soon and then I find myself choking on his cock on my next breath.

Javi’s stroke is near punishing, and with my hair wrapped around his fingers, I’m held still while he strokes in deep. He holds still when his balls meet my chin, tapping two fingers against the bulge in my throat and I swallow hard, breathing through my nose and ignoring the urge to gag.

I’m at his mercy. Being used by him.

I love it more than I should, but I can’t help and rub my clit a little harder while he stares down my body and begins to thrust in time with my fingers. “Faster, Mariah. Get yourself off while sucking my cock.” The two fingers on my throat become his hand and he wraps it tight, moaning each time he strokes in and feels himself expand my throat.

“I’m close,” I whimper around his shaft, spit dribbling down the side of my mouth and he wipes up the mess, pushing his thumb inside my mouth, further stretching me. I’m full. His taste dances on my tongue, but it’s when he pumps his thumb twice and then drags the glistening digit to my left nipple and pulls the piercing that I come.

I scream around him, eyes closed, and rubbing my clit faster as my orgasm takes me over. Pleasure grips me out of nowhere, the hold nearly painful as the pulsing wave consumes me until becoming a throb, and my body feels as if I’ve been electrocuted by a thousand pinpricks. But that’s when I start coming back to my senses and the guttural groans above me become clear.

Javi’s fucking my mouth with wild abandon. No stopping. No concern, he strokes in and out at a rapid pace while bottoming out each time, using my hair to guide my mouth.

He feels larger, his growls harsher, and when our eyes connect again, he stills. “Motherfuck.”

Spurt after spurt glides down my throat and I swallow fast, making sure to not spill a single drop.

We’re sitting in my bed an hour later, naked and with our legs crossed at the ankles. He’s to my left and quiet, humming now and then some tune I don’t recognize, and eating his slice of tiramisu while my phone lies between us. No shame. Not a care as his dick twitches each time my eyes wander lower.

And they do. A lot.

He’s muscles and control and danger.

He’s tattoos and a few scars that only serve the purpose of raping my psyche.

And while I’ve fought this thing between us, I know that here, like this, was inevitable. Javier Lucas didn’t take my no at face value and pushed and pushed until my will gave in. He’s been persistent enough for the both of us and while I still have a few reservations, I’m at peace with what’s happened.

Happy. Excited.

Is this fast? Yes.

Does my attraction to a man like him make sense after what happened before? No.

Moreover, he’s never given me a reason to doubt his word. He’s a man of integrity.

“I’m not a piece of meat, you know.” Javi’s rough voice breaks my appraisal, and I blush when the words hit me. I look away and toward my turned-off TV hoping for a miracle to break the now heated flush that covers down to the tops of my breast. “Not that I usually mind when it comes to you, but you promised an explanation and a search through your front door security feed.”

“You suck,” is my mature reply and he snorts, hand on my knee while his body shakes beside mine. “I do.” His hand sweeps higher, pausing just at the edge of my core and squeezes, grip firm. “And I’ll be more than happy to remind you after.”

A hard shiver rushes through me at the same time I slap his arm. “Maybe I don’t want you to show me.”
