Page 43 of Yours

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“Touch me.” Two simple words, and they wreck any semblance of rationality I have left. She’s all I see, smell, and feel, and on her next exhale, I grip her hips a little tighter.

My nails dig in right before I lift that tight body, bringing her warmth to just above my cock and her legs around my waist. I flex and she shivers, her small fingers embedding themselves into the hair at my nape while her perfectly white teeth bite down on my lip.

The action is one of aggression, a fight against my domination that I counter with a thrust of my hips, pinning her and enjoying the sweet heat seeping through those almost nonexistent shorts. Her nails scratch my neck, and I can feel the skin break as pleasure rips through me.

“Make me bleed, Muñeca. I’ll just make you pay for it with tears later on.” Another flex and she shivers; tightening those thighs, I drop my hand to the right leg, squeezing the skin there.

Mariah is perfect in my eyes.

Supple yet lithe, toned yet curvaceous, and I follow the curve of flesh until her bare cheek meets my fingertips. I caress her, palming it roughly before delivering the first of many smacks.

“Oh, Christ.”

“Javier, Muñeca.” Another spank, this time a little harder. And fuck me if she doesn’t moan. Arching her body in a way that presses her cheek deeper into my palm. “My needy girl only moans for me. My name.”


“Say it. Cry out for me.”

She doesn’t comply. Instead, she throws her head back with her eyes closed. Denying me what’s rightfully mine.

Her. All of her.

Punishment it is, then.

Before she can protest, I have her legs on the ground and her body facing the door. She shakes, goose bumps rising across her skin, and I use my nose to push aside a few curls and expose her neck.

Her scent is sweet against the sweep of my lips, and her hips roll as my teeth sink in, leaving behind the perfect indentation of my mouth.

“What’re you...fuck,” Mariah cries out when I dig a little deeper and my hands traverse her front from her flat stomach to her breasts, cupping one in each hand.

I squeeze them. Feel their weight.

And when she whines at my slowness, I slap each tip with a bit of force. The metal of her piercings beneath the thin shirt makes my mouth water and I swallow hard, forcing myself to stay on course and not play a little longer.

I’ll beg her to feed me each little tip later.

Much later.

Instead, I rake my teeth down to the center of her back between her shoulder blades and pause, ripping the offending top down the middle. And as the tattered pieces fall to the ground, so do my knees.

Immediately I take in the two dimples right above her ass and I kiss each, licking a path from right to left, and then I drag my tongue lower, right beneath the shorts that are both a blessing and a curse.

“Javi.” It leaves her on a sacred whisper. The perfect combination of fear and desire. Of giving in to your wants and needs while handing over the control.

“You’re always safe with me.” It’s a vow. The truth.

“I know.”

“Good girl.” One hard tug, and the tiny shorts covering her pool at her feet. Then it’s my turn to groan when I take in the lack of underwear, just a thin little string between her cheeks, and the scent of her arousal. “Motherfuck.”

Sliding my hands up her calves, I follow the path my fingertips take and memorize every inch of bare skin I touch. I revel in the sigh of my name and the gyration of her hips when she presses her thighs together, looking for a small reprieve from the throbbing between them.

She’s wet for me. Swollen, and I confirm this a second later when one hand doesn’t pause at her inner thighs and cups her pussy through the lace of her G-string.

The soft material is soaked, clinging to her mound.

Slick heat. So soft.
