Page 40 of Yours

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“She’s married?” Voice low and bitter, Mildred looks away, but I see her hands clench into tight fists.

“Answer my earlier question, Mildred.” After putting the file face down atop the table, I rub two fingers across my bottom lip. “How did you survive?”

“I caught him cutting the brake lines of my car and staged an accident with the help of friends.” Monotone. A rehearsed line and a lie. Most hitman will go for a personal approach and cutting lines is too far removed, a cop-out. “It was best to lay low after that and not tempt fate twice.”

“Makes sense.” Malcolm taps his fingers on the glass top, nodding to himself. “Smart move on our behalf.”

“Now, about my company and my brother’s betrayal...”

“What about it?” he asks with an amused chuckle at the end.

“How much will it cost to have the rights returned and—”

“Not a dime.”

“Really?” Mildred smiles. Too cheery. Too easy to pick apart. “That’s great, even though I am more than willing to pay with my flesh if you so inquire.”

“Not interested in either your money or flesh. The company stays in my possession and so does your family. I’ll execute and return the cadavers once I’m ready. You may see yourself out now.”

“You’re an—”

“Out.” Her eyes narrow at my command, but the cocked gun makes her storm out a second later. She’s muttering curses through gritting teeth. Demanding that whoever is still outside gets out of her way while the clacking of heels disappears down the hall.

“You saw what I saw, Lucas?”

“I did.” My eyes narrow at the folder he gave me. “She’s dirty and has help.”

“So, the next question is: kill her now or let her hang herself?’ At this, I meet his eyes. Malcolm doesn’t realize that while I’ve never hurt a woman physically, if it relates to Mariah and her safety, I’d strangle one without a single ounce of remorse.

“Let her hang herself.” There’s an understanding between us. “The entire situation is fucked up—full of holes, and I’d rather know all the players involved than shoot blindly.”


“There’s also the matter of Mariah’s connection. She needs to know.” This is something I won’t back down from. I give exactly two fucks about his position in this family. When it comes to her, all bets are off. I’m protective of the woman to the point of blind madness if it ever came to that.

“Tell her.” Asher stands and removes his suit jacket, then takes off his tie. “I’ll handle the two downstairs in the meantime.”

I follow his lead and type a message to Carmelo to bring the car around. Owing him dinner gives me the perfect excuse to pick up some dessert and personally deliver it to my muñeca later tonight. She has a sweet tooth I’ll exploit if it gives me more time with her.

That, and I can explain today’s event.

“They know something we don’t.”

“Not for long.”



I’VE BEEN HOME for less than three hours and the place is clean, the laundry that’s been inside of the dryer for two days is now folded, and I have a pan of chicken enchiladas in salsa verde bubbling in the oven.

I’ve also taken a bath and played a game of teasing the killer that brought me more pleasure than the orgasm that followed. Not because it wasn’t good, but because I wanted his hands on me. His fingers pumping in and out slowly, edging me, until I fell apart in his arms.

It’s getting harder and harder to deny this uncontrollable attraction. To pretend my body doesn’t call out for his.

Because there’s something about this man—Javier’s mere presence—that undoes me and leaves behind a mass of need willing to forget promises made to herself. To forget her past and want more.

Of him. Of us. Of a future together.
