Page 37 of Yours

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And my mom’s seventy-year-old neighbor in a swimsuit at her birthday cookout does it. I’m soft before I’m three steps onto their floor.

There are two doors here: A and B, with the latter being our first stop. The twins each own a unit, but scum always sticks together.

Antonio will try to protect her, while Mildred will shove him in the way to save her hide. Their dynamic is a bit sick and predictable, something I’ll use to my advantage.

It’s why I put on a pair of gloves and press the doorbell. No fingerprints. No cameras are on; they scrambled the moment we walked in via the company’s hacker.

“Hey, Ant? Can you get the door?”

“I’m on the phone!” Antonio calls back, and a shrill scream follows. Then there’s the stomping of feet and a high-pitched asshole before the door is swung open.

She didn’t look. Didn’t see the added work Carmelo put in by stopping a random delivery guy and taking the two boxes of pizza, tipping the pimple-faced kid two hundred bucks to walk away.

“Oh shit.” Mildred gasps, backing up with her hands shaking a second before trying to slam it closed.

The hardwood hits my shoe as I kick it back, causing it to smash against the wall, and a scream rends the air. It’s full of fear. Of a pathetic attempt to get sympathy. “Please.”

Mildred falls to her knees, shaking. The tears pooling in her eyes are real, but that doesn’t stop her from arching her back, showing us that her fake tits are free to ogle. Tries and fails to distract me.


“Get up,” I hiss, walking in and closing the door after Carmelo enters. He drops the pizza boxes beside her legs, the sound loud but her whimper is louder. “I won’t ask you again, Mildred. On your feet.”

“Okay.” Meek. Submissive. Bullshit.

“I’ll go escort Mr. Frederick to the living room,” Carmelo says, Glock in hand and safety off. He cocks it in her direction, and she jumps to her feet, rushing beside me. “You got that?”

“I do.” Removing her hand from my arm, I push it off none too gently and point down the hall. “Don’t touch, and walk.”

“Let us explain. We can come to an—”

“Get him. I’ll be there.” Once he’s out of sight, Mildred fingers the bottom of her top, trying to play the card of a willing tease, but stops all movements when I pull out my gun and wave it in the direction of Antonio’s voice. “Walk.”

The corridor isn’t long, opening into a spacious, unused kitchen with access to the main living space.

“This is all a misunderstanding.” Those words annoy me. Famous last words said by every lying asshole I’ve dealt with.

“Don’t speak unless I ask you a question. Understood?”

“Millie!” Antonio rushes to her side, cradling her face and checking her for injuries. His concern is almost touching, a little too personal and not brotherly.

But then again...

“Your wife is fine, Mr. Frederick. Please have a seat.”

He tenses while she lets out a panicked whimper, his eyes on her wide ones. “What did you say?”

“What part didn’t you understand?” I take a seat on an oversized chair across from them and Carmelo does the same on another beside me. We’re the picture of relaxation while understanding sets in for them. “She is your wife, no?”

“Mildred is my sister,” he thunders, snapping around to face me with a false bravado that brings a smile to my face. “Who the fuck do you think...fuck!” His knee buckles and Antonio drops, biting his lip to the point of breaking skin from the pain.

I settle the Glock back down on my thigh. “I’ll aim higher next time. Watch your tone, Mr. Frederick.”

“Please don’t!” Not-Mildred falls beside him, cradling his head. “We’ll give you whatever you want, no questions asked. We’ll leave the country and disappear, too.”

“You two have a lot of explaining to do to Mr. Asher and have an appointment within the hour. Clean up, get your emotions under control, and don’t even think of drawing attention to yourselves when we exit through the garage.” Hope fades from his face. I know that this penthouse goes from top to underground parking without needing to bypass the lobby or gym floors. “And if I were you, I’d pray. Beg your God to have mercy because lying is the ultimate sin.”

Five people sit inside Malcolm’s office an hour later.
