Page 30 of Yours

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Instead, we watch silently as he bends and puts his mouth near Douglass’s ear. Kyle whispers something to him; it’s too low for anyone to hear, but the guard becomes enraged just long enough for Bennett to pull the trigger and his body to go limp.

A bullet in each eye and brain matter scatters behind the body on the pristine floor.

“We’ll be leaving tonight on an extended holiday,” Kyle says, not looking at us but watching every drop of blood seep from the bullet wounds, a small smile on his face. “Do you need anything from us?”

“No. You’re set.” Malcolm gives me a nod, and I text the cleanup crew to come and eradicate all traces of this meeting. “Have a good vacation, and please send my regards to Clarissa.”

“Thank you both.” With that, he walks out and we stand, heading back downstairs toward Carmelo’s car while the Bennett’s prepare for their departure.

It’s near nine at night by the time I make it home, and the front door hasn’t fully closed before my jacket is tossed aside and my tie pulled off. I’m shrugging everything off, leaving the piles for tomorrow, while heading toward my bathroom.

I’m in need of a quick shower. A release before ending my night with a little taste and tease.

The lights flick on as I enter the large, all-white bathroom with an oversized shower that extends from one wall to the opposite. Its large subway tiles in marble cover almost every inch, from wet areas to the dry with hardware in gold to compliment the stone.

Turning the handle toward the hot water, I step back and remove my boxer briefs before stepping inside. It’s been a long day; from meetings and training for Malcolm’s guards to Mariah’s haughty, cold shoulder.

One I returned. Then, I sat back and watched the fight to ignore me become the search for any reason to get closer. No matter where I turned, she was in my line of sight or near enough to touch.

Hair up in a messy bun.

Glasses perched on the end of her nose while biting a pen.

Giggling at something.

The coquettish minx made sure to punish me, but I held back. My not giving in caused her frustration and a few muttered curses thrown my way, but it’ll be worth it soon enough.

Heat fills the room, and I step beneath the waterfall showerhead. The hot water slides down my limbs and hard cock, caressing my skin and causing a shiver to rush down my spine.

I grab my bodywash and loofah on the small alcove to my right, pouring a large drop in to the sponge before rubbing it across my chest. The suds glide lower and over my pelvis before they kiss my balls.

I’m throbbing. In pain. My hand fisting over the tight skin, knuckles strained white, before pumping once. Then again. Just knowing that she’s a few floors from me...

“Fuck,” I hiss out, my strokes becoming rougher with each twist down and then up. My eyes close and I throw my head back, picturing her sultry eyes and sinful smirk before leaving for the day. Mariah was bent over her desk while looking for something, giving me the perfect view of her ass and hips while talking on the phone, ignoring my presence. “Delicious little beauty.”

Her skirt was mid-thigh and tight with no visible panty line, and instead, I got a peek of the soft skin between her thighs through the small slit with a pleat at the back. Perfect and round, and my mouth waters as I remember how the fabric moved with her, rising a little higher on her thighs until I groaned.

A little more, and I’d see the round cheeks I want to bite. Smack. Smear my come across.

Heat licks at my balls and with each pump of my hips, the pleasure increases, and more so when Mariah’s evil grin flashes behind closed lids. She’d turned around to face me then, back slightly arched and with a hand on her hip.

“Need something, Mr. Lucas?” Tone breathy, she looks at me from head to toe, pausing a bit at the thick bulge in my pants. My suit jacket’s over the back of my office chair and I’m not hiding her effect on me. Fuck that—she caused it and I want her to see.

To hunger for it.

For her plump little mouth to water.

“Do you?” I counter, my voice husky. Deeper. “Need help?”

“I have fingers for that. No help needed.”

“But sometimes a little assistance makes the task sweeter. Dirtier.”

“Are you speaking from experience?” She licks her lips and my cock jerks, a bead or two of liquid rolling down the tip. “Is using your hands something you do a lot?”

“I’m going to make you pay for that,” I grunt low, tightening my grip before swiping my thumb across the sensitive head. Christ, that feels good and I pinch the tip, the sudden jolt of pain giving me another minute or two. My hips don’t stop pumping, fucking my fist while imagining it’s her tight cunt and the slap of skin is my hips slamming into parted thighs. “Slowly break you down until my cock is all you know.”

“Do you think of me when you do?”
