Page 28 of Yours

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“You have our word,” Mr. Dermot says, and her cries grow louder. He understands that this means their entire operation must leave—every member of the family—or face the repercussions. With his arms around her midsection, he turns, and they make it to the door where one of their men, a distant cousin, awaits to take Lane.

And when they step across the threshold, Malcolm claps once. “The clock is ticking. For you as well, uncle.”

Two steps are all he lets me take before snatching my wrist and pulling me against his strong chest. “What’s wrong?”

“Let go.”

“Talk to me.”

“Respect my boundaries, Mr. Lucas.”

“Understood.” And all of a sudden, I hate that word. Despise how easily he gives in to my request. This yo-yo’ing is going to drive me crazy. Javier makes me want to run to him and then away, far away, because I’m not ready to let the walls down I’ve built around myself.

This is for the best. Has to be.

“Good.” Snatching my arm from his hold, I continue toward the door. He doesn’t say anything, just lets me walk away, and it confuses the hell out of me, but then a hiss meets my ears and I shiver.

“For now.”



MALCOLM GIVES ME a nod before entering the opulent establishment near the Asher building the next morning at ten. The Bennett meeting had to be pushed back due to medical reasons, and while I still don’t believe his wife is okay after what occurred, extending this another day isn’t feasible.

Not when dealing with the sentencing and execution of a man.

Mistakes can be costly. Destructive.

Walking through the lobby, I make eye contact with each man standing beside the three exits and nod. We’re in the heart of the Loop, a few minutes from Malcolm’s financial building, and I’m impressed with the surveillance I’ve seen thus far. Not that it can’t be improved, but he has a solid foundation I can work with.

He owns it, provides all security for it, and only those trusted—business associates that pass through frequently—are allowed to reside within.

I had the choice of an apartment here but chose wisely without knowing.

Mariah can run but can’t get far. She has no idea how close we are.

How easily this predator can reach his prey.

Because that’s what this dance feels like; a game of cat and mouse I don’t plan to lose.

“They’re waiting and the room is ready,” Mariah says from beside him, looking straight ahead while matching his steps. I’m two behind them and watching their dynamic, taking in their reactions from the moment they entered my SUV. They speak through looks and short answers, but behind the professional demeanor is respect and familial love.

“Thank you. Make sure Mr. Bennett is down in five.”

“Already sent him a text, and he’s downstairs.” She’s checking her phone, but I catch the tilt of her head and the slight look back from the corner of her eye. “The guard is also in attendance and awake.”

“Perfect. That’ll be all.” Malcolm stops at the elevator and puts a key to the panel. “Take Javier’s car and head back. I need you to work on the Frederick contract.”

“Are you sure?” Now she does look back and meets my stare. I’m not hiding or avoiding. “I’m more than happy to—”

“Positive.” He kisses her cheek, pulling her attention away from me, and I hate it. Loathe her looking at anyone that isn’t me, but I keep my reactions at bay. This feeling—this rage-fueled jealousy—isn’t something I’ve faced before. It makes me see red. Yearn to feel the life essence of whoever holds her gaze on my fingertips. “I want the twins in and out of my office before they start trying to sell me bullshit I neither care nor have time for.”

“I know.” Mariah laughs and its warmth settles around me, calms the devil within, while my expression remains blank. She sneaks another look after a minute, almost like she can’t help herself, and narrows her eyes at my demeanor. What kind of reaction are you looking for, Muñeca? Are you thinking about our kiss? However, the longer we stare, the more I see what lurks behind those pretty orbs. Something is bothering her. Maybe a hint of annoyance for being asked to leave. “The food has been ordered and the files are ready. We’ll be using conference room two for this one.”

“Will they need an escort to the office?” She doesn’t respond to him, too busy trying to read me. The only things she gets from me, though, are a raised brow and a nod in her cousin’s direction. “Mariah,” he says, and still nada. Not even an acknowledgment of her name.

“Pay attention, Muñeca.” That snaps her out of it and with a quick wave to Malcolm, she rushes out without answering. My eyes follow her the entire way. “I’ll be picking them up.”
