Page 21 of Yours

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“How so?” A small shiver runs through her as my fingers grip her hips and run soothing circles over the flesh there.

“By giving you my undivided attention.” Dipping my face down to hers, I lay a kiss on her cheek and then the other, loving the sudden rush of goose bumps and her stuttered breath. “And to answer your question, I love jaguars because they’re deadly yet regal. Dominant over their habitat while bowing to no other predator.” Another tiny peck, this time right on the tip of her nose and I turn, leaving her apartment before I bend her over the entry table and bury myself to the hilt.

This was a win.

The beginning of something that holds a wicked promise.

I’m going to wear you down, Muñeca.



“RIGHT THIS WAY, Mr. Bennett.” I step aside, and the three people I picked up this morning at the airport walk into the conference room on the executive floor. They’re an affluential family from California, a Silicon Valley genius with a penchant for walking a fine line between the ethical and immoral while spoiling Mrs. Bennett. He’s here with his wife and one guard, a man I’ve been watching from the moment they put a single foot inside the all-black SUV I drive.

His attention isn’t on security or asking me what has been done to assure his boss’s safety, but instead, on her. The wife. She’s unaware—face pinched tight in anger while holding her husband’s hand—but I saw, and by the clenching of her husband’s jaw, so did he.

What are they playing at?

“Thank you, Javier,” the wife answers, and the other two enter with nothing more than a nod in my direction. Not that I give a single fuck as the object of my frustration walks toward me with a stoic expression on her stunning face. The same expression was saved solely for me since our mini date in her apartment.

All five feet and three inches of perfection in her high-waisted black skirt, white cap-sleeved top, and red stilettos saunter in my direction with her hair down and the ends curled. With ruby lips and the sweet scent of flowers surrounding her—infiltrating my senses. Embedding itself into my DNA.

Mariah is teasing me. Avoiding me; a week of silence unless work-related and even then, the responses are minimal and to the point.

Her stubbornness doesn’t deter me, though. Not one bit.

I find her adorable.


“Morning,” she says, looking past me and toward the table where our guests will sit. “Excuse me.” Before she can sweep by me, I grab her wrist and pull us back just outside the door and to the left where we are out of sight.

Mariah’s back meets the wall in a soft thud, and I stand a mere inch or two from her, soaking up her decadent scent and the heat radiating from her body. Our eyes lock and breaths mingle.

A shiver rushes through her and flows through me as I lean in, lips hovering, but before they touch, I lift my face and kiss her forehead. At the contact, a stuttered breath escapes and I smile against her soft skin.

“Ignore me all you want, Muñeca. It won’t change a thing.”

Ignore the pet name, Mariah. “Move.”

“One day you’ll beg me to stay.” With that, I push back and walk into the room. I take a seat beside Malcolm while she walks in a few seconds later, face flushed, and sits across from me with narrowed eyes.

Malcolm gives me a quick look, questioning if everything is okay, and I nod. He’s not asking about his cousin, but the other people in the room.

I’ve already sent him my observation in a text and have the clearance to proceed as I see fit, should something occur during their stay in Chicago.

It’s a trust he’s given me. I might be his right hand here, something I never saw myself doing—not even for my own family—but the woman beside him has left me no choice.

I’ll play my role while making sense of my sudden need for her presence in my life.

Because it’s true what they say; there’s more value in a single drop of your woman’s come than a million pounds of gold. I want her taste in my mouth. I want to own her pleasure.

It’s a compulsion I can’t control and don’t want to.

This game—ignoring me for seven fucking days—has done nothing to deter me.

If anything, she’s poured gasoline onto this fire.
