Page 18 of Yours

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“I’m tempted to.” But I don’t want to deny him. A large part of me wants to drag him inside and do something that I shouldn’t. Why?

Why is he getting under my skin?

Why am I curious?

Why is the thought of turning him away unattractive?

“You will.” Then he wrecks me. Utterly destroys my resolve by jutting his bottom lip out in a pout.

“Get in here,” I hiss out, pulling the door open and stepping back. “Hurry up before I regret it.”

“Gracias, Muñeca.” The moment he crosses my threshold, I shiver. But more so when he stops an inch from me and lays a kiss on my forehead. “Point me in the direction of the kitchen.”

“Right through there.” I’m pointing behind me where an archway opens into my kitchen, but my eyes are on him. On the way he bends and picks up the bags with our food. On the way he passes by me and his scent surrounds me—hugs me while I lean over just a bit.

I slightly stumble. His chuckle pulls me from almost tripping and I close my eyes, gritting my teeth and clenching my uninjured hand. A mistake, since it causes a whimper to slip and for the man in question to rush back to my side.

It’s then he notices my injured hand, the bandage a little red from the few beads of blood that seeped through the six stitches over my palm. His touch is soothing, a gentle sweep of fingers over my wound that calms and excites. Sends my nerves into overdrive.

Javier doesn’t say anything, but those warm brown eyes stare into mine, gauging my reaction, and when he’s happy with what he sees, I’m swept up and into strong arms. I’m cradled against his hard, warm chest. He’s kissing my temple while striding back to my kitchen.

“I’m okay,” I say, voice low, feeling almost shy for a second as he deposits me atop a counter stool and disarms me on my next breath. Javier takes my gun and places it beside me; I can feel his gaze as if it were a caress. “It’s just a small cut.”

Two fingers tip my face up, and my breath catches in my throat at the look of lust mixed with pride. His face is close to mine. His exhale is my inhale. “Still unacceptable.”

“Javier, I—”

“Let me feed you, Mariah.”





The word sounds like heaven coming from her plump lips. She was granting me entrance into her life with it, a soft agreement that I’d be around from now on getting to know her. And if tomorrow her attitude returns and her eyes challenge me, I’m not backing down.

Not after holding her close and receiving the small smile she’s giving me.

Because there’s something about this fiery beauty that calls to me—that pulls me in closer with each interaction. I know it’s fast and dangerous for me as I now work for her cousin, but I like tempting death and I’m unafraid of the possible repercussions.

“So what did you bring me?” Mariah’s peeking at me from beneath long lashes and my cock jerks, the movement caught by her. The sweatpants do little to hide my length and girth and the little demon licks her lips, unaware of her reaction. There are goose bumps across her flesh and hard nipples pressing against the thin strap of fabric she calls a shirt, highlighting the piercings there.

My mouth waters and I swallow hard, fighting back the desire to nip each nipple. “Do you like your food spicy or mild?” There’s no mistaking the hunger in my tone, nor the way I admire her body. “Anything in particular you don’t like?”

“Hot.” It’s breathy. “Very hot.”

“Good girl.”

“And no onions if possible. Just not the biggest fan.”

“As you wish.” We’re more alike than I thought, and I hide my smile because I hate the vegetable and order everything without it. It’s another coincidence that I plan to take full advantage of without her knowing, like the fact we live in the same building, my unit being two floors below hers. “Is tea okay, or do you want a Coke?”

“Tea, please.” So complacent. So sweet. Such a little liar.

Pulling out the first container from the Thai place I found a few days after moving here, I begin to lay them out on her counter. Because nothing in life is simple, and she’ll put up a fight. It’s in her nature to do so, just like it is for me. This life hardens you—family ties will hold you down—and Mariah will give me as good as I gift tenfold while smirking and taunting me with what she believes I’ll never own.
