Page 16 of Yours

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“Don’t ruin my small getaway with your aunt, kid. I need some relaxation near the coast.”

“Two months.”

“Deal, Javi. Now be the gentleman your father never was.”

My face scrunches up in disgust at her insinuation. “I’m going to ignore that last statement.”

“Put a ring on it first, Javier. Mother knows best.”



“YOU’RE KIDDING ME?” My friend Allison asks between fits of giggles later that night, her margarita sloshing—spilling over the rim and dirtying her white silk blouse. She’s more than amused by my encounter with Javier; the certifiable she-hoe is jealous and excited. “He sounds delicious.”

“He is.” No point in denying it. I’m sure it’s written across my face and highlighted by the lights above our table inside of our favorite taco bar. There aren’t many people here tonight and I’m glad. The decibel of her gossiping battle-cry is embarrassing.

Especially since my shame surrounds me like a halo, and now that the lust-induced fog he created has receded, I’m left exposed. Open to judgment by one of the few people that know my past and the promise I made that night.

Someone who’s been trying to get me to agree to a blind date for a month now. I’ll never hear the end of this.

“Height, eye color, and to the right or left?”

The mere question makes my body flash hot from jealousy—an aggravating feeling that I fight to push back. It takes me a minute, breathing in and out slowly while forcing my expression to remain friendly. She’s not buying it; her smirk only intensifies my annoyance.

“At least six foot three, warm brown, and don’t ever ask me that again.”

“Possessive much?” The gleam in her eyes makes me want to hit her, but I settle instead for a subtle middle finger and shrug. “Girl, I’m liking him more and more. This level of feisty looks good on you.” Bringing the glass to her mouth, she takes a large sip, smiling before it turns into a petulant pout. “Now, if only Malcolm would marry me, we could double date.”

“Not happening.” Two voices answer, and she goes from red to white to near blue as my cousin slips into a seat beside mine, shocking her.

“You suck!”

Malcolm rolls his eyes, not sparing her outburst much thought. They’ve always been that way, though. Allison says something, he blows her off, and then she whines.

One day she’ll get it. He’s just not into her, and the man isn’t subtle about it. Malcolm isn’t cruel, but his disinterest shows clear as day.

He doesn’t trust women after Karina.

The woman who catches his eye has to be near sainthood to put up with his grouchiness.

“You’re crashing our dinner and you’re going to ignore me?”

“Option one or two,” he says, impassive eyes on mine. I know what he’s asking. Life or death.

He can’t— “Don’t touch him.” It leaves me through gritted teeth and clenching hands, the stem of my glass breaking. It pierces my hand, the sting surprising me while he just nods, stands, and leans down to kiss my forehead.

“Take the day off and sleep in.”

“That’s it?” Not telling me it’s a bad idea. Not warning me about fraternizing.

“It’s all I needed.” For a brief second his eyes soften before he exits, Carmelo walking out behind him.

In the background, I hear Allison chirping about Malcolm and his suit and something about handsome cocky men, but I can’t focus past the emotion of something happening to Javier. It’s left this raw mark on me. Hurt me, and I hate it.

I feel vulnerable, something I vowed to myself to never feel for a man again.

Walk away, Mariah. Men like him are all the same.
