Page 99 of Capturing Love

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“What do you mean she’s in the hospital?” Grayson snapped, staring at his mother who was pacing the room.

Caroline drew in a shaky breath. “All we know is she was found unconscious at a friend’s place, with a bottle of pills beside her. They’re pumping her stomach as we speak.”

Grayson ran his hands through his hair, the pain on his face was palpable. “Fuck. Was it deliberate?”

“We won’t know for certain until she wakes. But we can only assume, given the rough time she’s been having since you called off the wedding.”

“Caroline!” Grandpa barked, tapering his gaze at his daughter-in-law.

“She sounded fine last time we spoke,” Grayson said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Caroline shook her head. “Well, finding out your fiancé is seeing another woman would certainly change that, don’t you think?”

“She not my fiancé, and how the fuck did she even find out?”

“Well you haven’t exactly been discreet,” she bit. “Not according to the rumour mill.”

“Fucking Staci,” Grayson muttered, lowering his head. “I should’ve known she wouldn’t keep her mouth shut.”

“There is only one person to blame here, and it’s not Staci Warner.”

Grayson let out an exasperated sigh. “I need to go.”

Grandpa rested his hand on his shoulder. “I’ll get the helicopter and jet ready. Don’t worry, son, you’ll be there in no time.”

“Thanks, Grandpa,” he said softly.

“We’re coming with you,” his mother stated. “That girl is like a daughter to us.”

“You need to fix this, Grayson,” His father spoke in a low voice. The threat was evident.

Grayson pursed his lips before turning to leave. When his eyes collided with mine, he froze.

“Remember, this is a private matter,” his father continued. “Make sure she’s aware of that.”

Grayson closed the distance between us in a few strides. He took my elbow in his hand and guided me away without looking back.

“What’s going on, Gray?”

He ignored my question and took me upstairs to our bedroom, leaving me standing in the doorway while he retrieved his suitcase.

“Is Melanie okay?”

He lifted his glistening eyes. “I don’t know.”

“Gray…” I stepped towards him, but he flinched.

“All I know is that she needs me and I have to go. I’m sorry, Josie, but it’s complicated and messy, and I don’t have time to get into this with you right now. I have to get home.”

“Of course,” I whispered, lowering my gaze so he wouldn’t see the quiver of my lower lip.

“I’ll arrange for Adam to take you and Luci home in the morning.”

He shoved his clothes into the suitcase and zipped it up, before turning back my way. “We’ll talk soon.” As he wheeled his suitcase out the door, he paused beside me. “I’m sorry to leave you like this.” Grayson placed his palm over my cheek and kissed me softly, staring into my eyes like he was taking in every little detail. It made me wonder how long he planned to be gone, but before I had a chance to ask, he disappeared out the door.

* * *

While Adam filled the car with gas, I gave Luci a toilet break before heading inside to grab some coffees for the road. I was in desperate need of caffeine after waiting up all night for a call or text from Grayson that never came. Walking back to the car, I noticed Adam on his cell phone. He saw me approaching and his lips formed my name to the person on the other end. Grayson. I quickened my step, desperate to talk to him.
