Page 98 of Bluebird

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* * *

I decided to head away for a few days to clear my head and work on my future plans.

I opted to pack my bags, in lieu of our family dinner, to avoid any further confrontation. No doubt Nate told my mum what happened, as she approached me carefully the next morning.

“I’m sorry, Natalie,” she opened softly, whilst I sat at the kitchen bench, picking at my breakfast.

I nodded, staring down at my bowl.

“You were in such a bad way, and I just thought you could use some company. Luke has always shared your passion for music, so I asked him to encourage you to get back into it. He has always looked out for you, Natalie. I’m sure he would have done it anyway.”

I exhaled. “Then why get involved, Mum?”

“Oh, you know me. I can’t help myself, especially when I know how fond he is of you,” she admitted with a crafty grin.

My heart stopped and I looked up at her dumbfounded.

“Oh, I’ve seen the way he looks at you at our family dinners,” she added, smugly. “There's something going on between you two, isn't there?”

My cheeks burned and my eyes began to glisten. “It’s all really messed up, Mum,” I confessed unhappily, stirring my cereal with my spoon.

“Oh, sweetie.” She came over and pulled me into a hug. “Love isn’t always easy.”

“I never said anything about love, Mum,” I responded a little too defensively, pulling away from her embrace.

“Alright, darling.” She smirked and headed back into the kitchen to make her own breakfast.

I chose that moment to change the subject.

“I’ve decided to head away for a few days,” I declared brightly. Feeling positive about my next move.

“Oh, okay.” Mum reacted in polite surprise, but disappointment clouded her face.

“It’s just a couple of days,” I assured her. “I need to go to Melbourne and visit a few people.”

It was the perfect opportunity to visit Little Bird Records and hopefully catch a few gigs. And now that I had a sample of my latest work, I was ready to see where it would take me.

“Well okay, that’s nice. When will you be leaving?”

“Now, actually.” I grimaced, expecting Mum to give me a hard time.

“Oh, then I best pack you something to eat for the trip,” she replied and started rummaging through her pantry. “Are you going to tell Luke?”

“Mum…” I warned.

She frowned. “But, Natalie, don’t you think—”

“Mum.” I raised my voice a fraction.

“Okay! I’ll stay out of it,” she uttered, raising her hands in defeat.

“Thanks…” I sang, as I climbed the stairs to collect my bags.

* * *

On my way out of town, I made two stops. One to the local real estate agent, to put out some discreet feelers to change my living arrangements, and the other to Easton’s.

Mum was right, I couldn’t leave without making amends.
