Page 5 of Bluebird

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“Jake!” I squealed, launching myself into his arms.

He spun me around before placing me back on my toes and kissed me softly. “That’s what I call a greeting,” he said, taking my hands in his.

I hadn’t seen him in over a month. He had been working most weekends and finally had an opportunity to come home for a couple of days.

“You ready?” he asked, looking me over with appreciation.

I nodded happily and yelled out my goodbyes, before running out to Jake’s panel van.

“I’ve missed you,” he said, as we drove into town.

I glanced over to find him watching me hungrily. “Eyes back on the road buddy,” I laughed, pleased I’d made the extra effort with my appearance.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t get back sooner.”

I shrugged. “It’s okay. You’re trying to prove yourself in your new job. I get it.”

Jake reached over and slid his hand over my thigh. He gave it a gentle squeeze before smiling. His teeth sparkled as much as his emerald eyes and I wondered if he was even real. There wasn’t a strand of his dark brown hair out of place.

A few minutes later we rolled into the carpark at Easton’s Tavern. One of the many pitfalls of living in a small town was the lack of places to go on a date. Easton’s was the only place in Fairleigh that served dinner. So if you didn’t cook, this was it.

I was surprised to see Dawn as we entered, because Luke usually worked nights. Jake went to find us a table and I approached the bar.

“Hey Dawn,” I greeted, after she finished up with a customer.

“My dear Bluebird. Are you here for dinner?”

I nodded. “Jake’s back.”

Dawn looked over to our table and pursed her lips. “I can see that.”

“Dawn, give him a break. He’s been working hard.”

She sighed. “Well, fair enough. Can’t complain about that.”

“So, where’s Luke tonight?”

“Oh, I gave him the night off. Boy forgets he’s only twenty-one. He needs to blow off some steam occasionally.”

“Well, Nate will help with that,” I said with a snigger.

“Ah, those two. Always up to no good.”

I had always been envious of Nate and Luke’s relationship. Nathan was only a year younger than Luke, so they hit it off the moment they met. I was the annoying tagalong.

“Okay, well, we’re here for dinner. Make sure you sneak extra fries on my plate.” I smiled at Dawn mischievously, before she shooed me off to my table.

* * *

“So where are you taking me now?” I asked excitedly, noticing we were driving in the opposite direction to my house.

Jake hesitated for a brief moment. “I thought we could head up to St. Peter’s Falls and…er…talk?” A rascally grin spread across his face, but he kept his focus on the road.

“You mean make out?”

He laughed at my bluntness. “Well…if you insist.”
