Page 40 of Dungeon Crawl

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Chris clenched his jaw. “You don’t want me to answer that.”

Elliot’s grin was dangerous. “I know what I asked. The issue is resolved to the best of our ability, no one needs to worry about it, and we will deal with the next problem when it arises. In fact, since you’re eager to fix something, you and Link can go do a security stint at RinCon.”

“Fine.” The way Chris spat the word implied it was most certainly not.

On the other hand, I was happy to go. I didn’t like the idea of walking away from my desk, of not being here if something broke, but I needed something to do.

Plus, Fallyn might be there. Plus that.

Elliot grabbed my attention after Chris stalked out of the room, and pulled me aside. “I’ll let you know if anything goes wrong, and you can get back here ASAP.” He addressed my concerns without me saying a word. “But I need you to keep an eye on Chris.”

“Because he called you out in front of the room?” I teased.

Elliot scoffed. “Maybe his dick feels extra small today, I don’t know. But sort of. If he’s doing that to me… Make sure he’s not fucking with anyone there?”

“Right.” Some of my mood wilted. Chris was starting to say and do things that reminded us of Bryce. Nothing so far that was overt or fireable, but we were extra vigilant now that it had happened once and no one caught it.

I headed back to the convention center, and couldn’t help the happy hum inside at the idea that I might run into Fallyn again. Inside, I didn’t see her, and I took my place next to Chris at the front of the hall.

Things didn’t go too badly. He and I talked about all the announcements for upcoming games, patches, updates, and what we were looking forward to the most. The kind of basic small talk that didn’t tend to get anyone in trouble.

“Can you believe someone like that has the nerve to show their face here?” Chris’s sneer caught my attention and I knew before I followed his gaze who I’d see.

Sure enough, there Fallyn was, with the perfectly pullable pigtails and the black jeans that made her ass look incredible. “There are hundreds of Harleys here,” I was going to play dumb and let Chris dig his own grave. “You a Joker man?”

Chris snorted. “I’m not any man’s man. You do know who that is, right? Or did the wig throw you off?”

“I know who it is. She’s got as much right to be here as anyone.”

“Except Bryce apparently. But does she really?”

I clenched my fist at my side. “She really does.”

“Whatever.” Chris shrugged. “Just because she’s a raging cunt doesn’t mean I wouldn’t pin her down and let her choke on my cock when she screamed.”

“The fuck?” My fury surged and I had his shirt in my fist before my brain caught up. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” My question was a low and threatening growl.

Chris held his hands up in surrender, and his eyes were wide with the fear that radiated off him. “I was kidding. Ha ha, funny joke.”

“Notfunny.” I was about to embrace my inner caveman. Intellectually I thought maybe I should back down, but he’d struck a nerve I thought I’d done a better job of deadening, and I was ready to let him choke on my fist while he screamed.

“Chris. Shift’s up.” Phillip’s voice cut through my anger.

I relaxed my grip, and Chris took several steps back. “You need to chill. I don’t care that you’re fucking the boss, that wasn’t cool.”

“Rape jokesaren’t cool.”I snarled, and he left as quickly as was possible without running.

Phillip stepped up next to me. “You okay?”

“I’m good. I probably wouldn’t have hit him in front of everyone.”

“I don’t doubt he deserved it,” Phillip said.

As the red cleared from my vision, I realized a small crowd had gathered around us. When they saw there wouldn’t be any violence, most of them moved on. That was probably going on a few blogs today, but likely not enough for anyone to care in the midst of the big news.

About fifteen minutes later I had a text from Elliot that said I should call him when I had a break.

The next hour or so was uneventful, then Xander was back to relieve me.
