Page 101 of Dungeon Crawl

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But this… This was stunning. Better than I’d pictured.

“We were thinking, it would be fun if you wore that while you streamed a character in the same outfit,” Link said.

This was incredible. Not just the gifts, and the attention from Link and Elliot, though that was all great.

But the fact that they knew. That there was no doubt for them that this would make me happy. That they cared. And I’d do similar things for either of them in a heartbeat.

Because the three of us fit together so perfectly. I didn’t question if the relationship was out of balance, or fear the next big catastrophe or spend nights wondering what I was going to do wrong next and how it would cost me my career.

There was none of that, because this was actual, healthy love. They were the best thing to ever happen to me, and I knew it was the same for all three of us.

“You’re going to help me put this on, right?” I teased.


Elliot and I helped Fallyn change into her custom made healer costume. I wanted to spend hours playing—the sexy, no-clothes kind of play—but she and Elliot had work to do.

Elliot didn’t have a custom costume, but his outfit was part of this as well. Same clothes as always—jeans, T-shirt, blazer. Except he wore a monocle when he streamed with Fallyn. He was ET Howard on camera.

The get-up made her smile and pissed off his father, because Elliot had stopped hiding who his family was.

And I was here for all of it.

We made our way downstairs, to the large room we’d configured specifically for streaming. When I was here, I did camera work, but they really didn’t need me for that. It was mostly an excuse to watch them together. It didn’t matter what they were doing—fucking or flirting or playing games—I loved to watch how much they lit up around each other and me.

They logged onto their accounts, and I was watching Elliot closely. His brows rose, and then a grin spread across his face when he got into his character screen. “What is this?”

“It’s exactly what it looks like,” I said. I’d had a custom character skin made for him too, and his also matched his outfit. He was in-game himself.

“Flove.” Fallyn clapped.

There was one more surprise for both of them, and it was the reason I had my laptop logged into the game as well. But they’d have to find me, and they wouldn’t know until they got there.

It had been hard to hide this from Elliot, even with him only working part time on the game, but I’d managed to keep this a secret, and I was so excited for them to both see it.

I watched as they worked their way through one of the new side quests, while tens of thousands of people watched. They had so much chemistry on camera, it was a shock they didn’t light the feed on fire.

They were working their way through the quest that unlocked in-game marriage, one of several highly anticipated features being released with this update.

When they reached the end, when they realized what they’d found and that my avatar was waiting for them, Fallyn squealed with joy.

Elliot grunted, but that meant just as much as the sounds Fallyn made.

The in-game ceremony was simple. A series of rendered game clips that featured all three of us. But it was the symbolismthat meant so much to me. We were the first players to do this. And I got to experience it with the most incredible people in the world. The two people I loved more than anything.

My perfect future.

At the end of the ceremony, Elliot and Fallyn kissed on camera, on the live stream. And they convinced me to join them for a rare appearance on my part.

This was so perfect. No end of quest loot could ever be better. No real life achievement could ever come close to how I felt right now, with the two of them, knowing that our entire future stretched out in front of us.

Thank you for falling in and out and in love again with Link, Fallyn, and Elliot.
