Page 73 of Team Russian

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I was pretty sure that Lucas hadn’t told The Russian I was up here with Mia, perhaps he thought The Russian would know I was coming over for physio, but I hadn’t spoken to him since I had left Tia’s concert this morning. I watched him with the team. He truly was a beautiful looking man.

The trainer ordered them to hit the sand, and the Saints players all lay on their backs; they seemed to know the routine.

“Here comes the abdominal core circuit,” Mia said.

“I remember it well,” I said, subliminally wincing and Mia grinned.

The countdown began and the guys began on the crunches. In between repetitions the trainers demanded the guys plank, I could feel the burn. Mia and I both groaned; Alice was more of a yoga girl. Watching The Russian plank was so sexy; his arm muscles just bulged and his core was so tight, even better when his body began to shudder with the pressure and he dropped his head to control his body ... so sexy.

Mia fanned herself, not taking her eyes off Lucas.

“We can always go for a cold swim after,” she suggested, with a glance towards the plunge pool in the corner.

“We might need to,” I agreed. Next came the push ups ... those arms, that tight butt ... and then the boys stood to begin sprints and The Russian grabbed a towel to wipe his face. So frigging sexy again. Lucas came up beside him to do the same and must have given me away because The Russian looked up towards the balcony and right at me. He gave a slightly discernible smile; we both knew it was best not to look too happy at training ... you’ll be worked harder. He kept his gaze on me as he reached for a bottle of water, drinking and spilling some of it over his chest ... fuck me now, seriously.

Then I swear he worked out even harder after that, like he was making sure I got the show of my life.


Lucas ran up the sandy front yard of his beach mansion and into the house, coming up the internal stairs. On the beach out the front, the Saints had finished their session and were dispersing. He came out to us on the balcony and wrapped Mia in a bear hug.

“I’ve been sent up to get you girls for a swim. C’mon, surf’s up,” he said.

“Eww, get off me,” Mia tried to wriggle out of his grip. “You’re sweaty and awful.”

“You like me sweaty,” he said, kissing her as she wriggled.

Who wouldn’t like him sweaty? He was something else: his blue eyes looking so blue, and his pin-up boy looks.

“I only like you sweaty when I’m sweaty,” she grimaced. Lucas released her, pulling her up from the chair and tapping her butt.

“C’mon, orders from The Russian and Tomás, get your gear off and report to the beach.”

“Aye, aye, Captain,” I said, rising from the seat into action. Lucas gave me a smile and raced back out of the house again.

“Do you need swimmers?” Mia asked me.

I shook my head. “No thanks, I’ve got swimming, running and gym bags in my car ... you never know.”

“I thought you would,” she said. “Alice?”

“Can I wear that red two-piece suit?” she said.

Mia rolled her eyes. “I’m giving it to you, as long as you leave it here so you’re always covered when you drop in. You always liked it more than me.”

“Yes!” Alice said, going to change. She gave me a grin. “I’m a bit partial to shopping.”

“It’s her middle name,” Mia said, following her to get the swimsuit.

When we were changed, we headed to the beach, where The Russian emerged long enough from the surf to drag me in with him. Sexy beast.


Twenty minutes later, I came out of the surf before him and headed over to get my towel. I didn’t realize Lucas was behind me until he called my name.

“Hey,” I said, shaking the sand off my towel before it stuck to me.

“Can we talk a minute?” he asked.
