Page 65 of Safe in His Arms

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Both men turned to her, sporting identical frowns.

“Sorry, what was that?” Mark asked, apparently having trouble processing her words.

“If I wanted to join an existing business,” she said more slowly, “what would I need to do?”

He rubbed his temples, brows knitting together. “What does that have to do with anything?”

She hurried to explain. “One of the locals asked me to partner with her, but I’m not sure what it would involve.”

“And you’re seriously considering it?” Joe asked in his deep baritone. “Are you sure it’s a good idea to be thinking of such a big change so soon after everything you’ve been through?”

“I think it’s a brilliant idea,” Rose said, shooting Joe a warning look. “And it just so happens you’ve got a very qualified roomful of people to talk to about it.”

“Yes,” Mark said, warming to the topic. “Joining an existing business is different to starting one from scratch. I could easily draft a partnership agreement for you to discuss with your new friend. What does she do?”

“She owns an ice cream parlor.”

They all made appreciative sounds.

“I’m happy to give you an overview of what you’d need in place to manage the business,” Sterling said.

Mark clapped him on the shoulder. “Thanks, man.” To Megan, he said, “Clarissa would also be able to help talk you through running a business. Between the three of us, we’ve got you covered.” He smiled at his girlfriend, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and something within Megan softened. She wanted a man who looked at her that way.

“I’m happy to help in any way I can,” Clarissa said. Megan thanked her, even as she was enveloped by envy. Clarissa was so self-assured. She had her life together, and what did Megan have? A big old mess.

“Shall we move our bags into our rooms?” Clarissa suggested. “We’ve overwhelmed poor Megan, so let’s give her a moment to herself.”

Megan silently thanked her as her family shuffled out. But Mikayla stayed.

When the door closed, her sister asked, “So what’s going on between you and the hunk?”


“Aw, come on, sis. He’s super-hot and clearly into you.” She leaned forward, wearing a cheeky grin. “Has anything happened?”

“I only just broke up with Charles.” Even to her own ears, the words sounded hollow.

“And?” Mikayla asked. “That’s never stopped anyone before.”

Megan fiddled with the edge of the blanket and reminded herself that this was her sister, and she could trust her with anything. Though she may have a sharp tongue, Mikayla would never betray her.

“I like him,” she confessed.

Mikayla pumped her fist. “I knew it!”

“But it’s not just because he’s hot.” She ducked her head and lowered her voice. “He’s very sweet, great with his dogs, and he stood between Charles and I when he tried to take me away.”

Mikayla’s eyes flashed. “Then he has my vote. Especially if he’s the reason you finally came clean with us.”

“He is.” She would have gotten there anyway, but he’d certainly sped the process along.

“That man is a keeper.”

Megan’s smile softened. “I hope so. We’re taking it slow, though. Trying not to jump into anything too quickly.”

In fact, she got the feeling, during some of their quieter moments, that he was trying to keep an emotional distance for some reason. But then he’d see her watching and smile, and everything would feel right again.

“Good for you.” Mikayla shuffled over until they were side by side and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She was tiny, and the hug didn’t provide much comfort, but Megan appreciated the sentiment. “Just don’t let him slip through your fingers because the timing is crap.”

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