Page 50 of Two of a Kind

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Maisie didn’t bother trying to imagine it, choosing instead to watch as Hannah began to spray the quaking calf. “That sounds horrible.”

“It can be,” Hannah agreed. “Sometimes, the mama holds a grudge and refuses to feed the baby afterward. I know I shouldn’t say this, but that’s the part I secretly like.”

“Why is that?”

“Well, I can’t really hope for it because it’s better for the calf to have a real mother to raise it, but bottle-fed calves are so cute. And hey, not having a mother didn’t hurt me any.” Hannah shrugged, once again demonstrating the universal Campbell family code forlet’s not talk about that part.

Yep. Totally uncanny resemblance.

“Let’s hope everything goes the way it’s supposed to.” Maisie wasn’t only reassuring Hannah but herself as well. “You really love all the animals.”

“More than I do my family, sometimes.” Hannah sunk her teeth into her bottom lip. “Drew refuses to see I’m not a child anymore.”

“It’s got to be frustrating, but I don’t think Drew means anything by it. She practically raised you, and it’s hard to know when to let go.”

“I’m going to college soon.” There was an odd bitterness in Hannah’s tone, the same one Maisie had noticed before when the subject of college came up. “She’s going to have to learn.”

“That’s right. Your dad said you planned to study engineering.” Checking the temperature of the water, Maisie turned the tap a little colder, nodding in satisfaction as the perfect temperature was achieved.

“My dadwantsme to study engineering,” Hannah corrected, and the secret to her bad mood became clear. “He thinks I should go into computer science or cyber security and have a 401k. I want to work on the ranch.”

Maisie thought for a moment, weighing what Hannah had confided with her own feelings about college. “You know, college isn’t such a bad thing. My dad felt the same way about it as yours. He made me promise to finish.”

“Was he proud of you?”

“I don’t know,” Maisie said quietly, the running water nearly drowning out her words. “He died before I could graduate.”

And I still haven’t.The ache in her chest was no less for having become so familiar over the years.

Hannah’s expression transformed instantly at this news, tears springing to her eyes. “I’m sorry, Maisie. You know, my dad’s been sick, too.”

“I know. Which is why I think you should give some serious thought to the college idea, not give up on it too hastily. Isn’t there anything you’d like to do on the ranch that requires a degree?”

“Well…” Hannah offered a shy smile. “I’ve always wanted to be a large animal vet.”

“That’s perfect.” Maisie grinned. “I think you’d be great at that.”

Hannah pouted. “Now I just have to convince my dad and Drew.”

“If I were you, I’d start with your sister.”

“She doesn’t listen,” Hannah argued.

“I’ve noticed that.” The tub was full enough, and Maisie shut off the water. The calf seemed to be warming up and was moving her legs a little bit now, starting to show more signs of life.

“Hey, Maisie?” Hannah’s voice was quiet, almost timid, as she glanced sideways at Maisie. “Can I ask you something?”

Maisie tensed, wondering where this was headed. “Sure.”

“I know you’re here for an internship, but you and Drew seem… Well, it kind of feels like… Are you and my sister—no, never mind.” Hannah clamped her lips together and shook her head. “It’s not my business. Besides, I hate it when Cord teases me about being in love with Dylan just because we’re friends and his family lets me stay there during the week. Which I also hate, by the way.”

“Staying with your friend?” Maisie asked, more than happy to change the subject from whatever the hell was going on between her and Drew. Which wasn’t anything—except for being married, of course—but clearly there was some reason the kid thought otherwise. What did she notice going on that Maisie didn’t?

“Being away from the ranch. My dad thinks it’s better for my grades, but I miss being home.” Hannah opened a cupboard and grabbed a stack of towels. “Let’s get her out and start drying her off. Can you get the hair dryer out of the bottom drawer?”

“You use a hair dryer on a calf?”

“How else you gonna dry ’em?”
