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And that she was okay with it.


WOLFWASDISTRACTED. Not that he needed to give his full concentration to expanding a fence line. He could fix the fence in his sleep.

But he should not have done what he did last night. Still, distracted though he was, he wasn’t as regretful as he should be, either.

He had tried, for two seconds, to be a good person.

It hadn’t worked out. And now all he was thinking of was the fact that he wanted to see her again. That he wanted to get her naked again.

This wasn’t typical behavior for him. Two weeks was actually a damn long time for him to go conducting an affair. It wasn’t in his repertoire, not generally.

What he liked was a good one-night stand. Nothing quite like it. It took no strings to a new level. And he certainly didn’t like to share a bed with a woman all night. But he hadn’t been able to send Violet down the hall back to her room. It was... Well, especially after the revelation of her virginity. Maybe that was it. It was a novelty for him.

At his age, and the kind of circles he ran in, there was just no expectation of finding a virgin. Not that he would’ve wanted to. He would’ve said that he had no particular interest in such things. But she was an eager and incredibly sexy student. And he couldn’t deny that her saying she wanted to learn everything there was to learn over the next two weeks was a hell of an aphrodisiac.

He was only a man, after all.

“Here comes the meal train.”

He looked out the direction that Connor was staring, and saw a truck coming up their way.

“Who’s that?”

“Sadie,” Eli said. He had joined them today. “She likes to bring lunch out when she can.”

“Nice of her.”

But he realized that in the passenger seat was someone he was a lot more interested in than his cousin’s wife.

It was Violet. His body went hard, instantly, and the last thing he wanted to do was telegraph his reaction. He didn’t need his cousins knowing that he had started messing with the sweet proprietor of their inn.

The truck stopped, and Sadie got out, her blond hair flying in the breeze. Then Violet got out of the passenger side, and his stomach went tense. Eli walked up and gave Sadie a kiss on the mouth, and he found that he wanted to do the same to Violet. A little display of possession.


That wasn’t his style.

She started talking about a life of promiscuity last night, and he had considered it his sovereign duty to pretend that he was absolutely fine with her pursuing other lovers if she wanted to. Because he wasn’t going to stay. So obviously the woman couldn’t be celibate forever with Wolf as her only sexual experience.

He also couldn’t deny that the idea of that gave him a sort of deep, savage satisfaction.

Their eyes collided, and her cheeks went pink. If anybody was paying close attention to her—and in Wolf’s mind she was the center of the damn universe so how could they not—they were going to see that there was something between them. Though it seemed that Eli, Connor, Jack and Kate didn’t particularly notice what was happening between them. However, he caught a sly look from Sadie. Who had driven over with Violet, clearly, so that made him suspicious about the content of the conversation that had occurred on the way.

Sadie went around to the back of the truck and grabbed a large folding table and much to his surprise, set it out right there in the grass. Then she and Violet began to unload dishes of food.

“What’s this?” he asked.

“Well, I don’t know how to do anything halfway,” Sadie said, smiling. “So if I’m going to bring lunch, I bring lunch.”

She set out a glorious feast: bread and meat and cheese, beer and all kinds of fancy spreads. He put every single one on his sandwich. Along with all of the meat. “Delicious,” he said.

Violet ducked her head. “I made the bread.”

“Good,” he said, barely able to keep the edge from his voice.

“Violet is pretty amazing,” Sadie said, her gaze a little bit too incisive.

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